Truthfully, my life is always lunacy.

I have always listened to elders in my life.

Blues has always been a huge part of my life.

When I sing, I always relive a part of my life.

Video games have always been a part of my life.

Ray Charles has always been a big part of my life.

I'm always coming up against scepticism in my life.

My act has always reflected what's going on in my life.

Nutrition is a big part of my life and it always has been.

All my life I've always been so ashamed of being feminine.

Throughout my life, I have always tried to do what is right.

All my life, I was always in a hurry! I was always hustling!

When I was younger, soccer was my life. I always wanted to play.

I've missed a lot of trains in my life, and another one always comes.

The Labour Party is and always has been an instinctive part of my life.

I still have my life outside of Formula One. It has always been the same.

I've always been a loner, and I've spent most of my life as a single person.

I've always respected the authority figures in my life, including my coaches.

Patchouli has always been a part of my fragrance, like a line through my life.

I've always lived my life fearlessly, and what I want to do with my life, I do.

I always assumed I'd spend my life happily performing in artsy-fartsy little theaters.

I certainly always do draw upon stuff in my life. You do that instinctively as an actor.

This is what I have always done in my life, just racing and driving cars and go-karts fast.

My life has been varied, involving many jobs, but I have always been impatient with injustice.

I've always been a natural singer on stage and in the studio - never had a vocal lesson in my life.

My life has always been about making certain I accrue the skills necessary to make my ambitions real.

Modelling's not something I want to do just on its own, but I always want it to be a part of my life.

I have the ability, no matter what's going on in my life, to find something - my cup is always half full.

I always say that the times in my life when I've been happiest are the times when I've seen, like, a sunset.

Superman's always chasing after someone who just mugged somebody, and I've never seen that happen in my life.

I'm always surprised when some director says, 'When I saw this film, that changed my life.' I don't have that.

I've always felt really lucky and really privileged with my life, how I grew up, and the opportunities I've had.

The University of South Carolina has always played a role in my life and the intellectual life of South Carolina.

Even in Canada, I never even played ice hockey. I never skated in my life; I always did rollerblade street hockey.

I'm a compulsive storyteller, an avid reader, and have always nurtured the secret goal of spending my life as a writer.

Mickey Mouse... is always there-he's part of my life. That really is something not everyone can call their claim to fame.

Human rights, no matter whom they affect, are something that should matter to all of us. It's always been a part of my life.

There's always been a piano around the house, and I've grown up around it. It's a massive part of my life and always has been.

I'm kind of an insecure artist. I hop from piece to piece. I always think my life depends on every painting. Every painting is my first painting.

I've always been a creative workaholic. I have never had a period of my life where I didn't have at least half a dozen projects going on at once.

My brother Peter was always the life of the party, and so the running joke for the first 12 years of my life was he was Pete, and I was 'Re-Pete.'

I always wanted to do musical theater. That was where I saw my life going since I was a musical theater major in college before I went to Pentatonix.

Fame changed my life completely because, for a while, I was in a position to choose what I did. I miss that aspect. But I always felt uncomfortable with it.

I started with golf because I saw my brothers play, I was always watching them. It was my life. Growing up, we always played competitions like chipping, hitting.

I've always said that wherever I have played, I've always respected that jersey, and I've always defended it as though I had been a supporter of the team all my life.

The joke I always make is I'm either running for reelection, running for Senate, running for governor, or running for my life. The latter is also a viable possibility.

I've had cats all my life and obviously loved them, but the litter box, and the having to always get a house sitter, they're just too - they're too rigid. Cats are too needy somehow.

Successful model? That's a myth. The year I modeled was the most painful year of my life. Editors would always talk to you in the third person as though you were merely a piece of merchandise.

I always have ice cream in the house. I have a bowl of it, and then a bit more. One of the greatest pleasures in my life is going back and getting a second half-bowl. The first bowl is just the prelude.

I'd always assumed that by 40 I'd have at least a modicum of stability - a steady income, an established career, a bountiful fullness, like a pillow into which I could sink as I entered the second half of my life.

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