You gotta have a gimmick.

Television is not a gimmick.

Awards are only a publicity gimmick.

Rap is a gimmick, but I'm for the hip-hop, the culture.

When you're as plain as I am, you've gotta have a gimmick.

We wore blue jeans and T-shirts. Our music was our gimmick.

You got to have a gimmick in this got-to-have-a-gimmick world.

February days are a marketing gimmick; love happens every day.

I'll go to my grave saying a gimmick is not good public policy.

There are a lot of bands using self-abuse as a marketing gimmick.

That's all it takes in life to win a woman over - a good gimmick.

Action should always be about character and story, not a gimmick.

In Sheikie's day, we wrestle. We not use gimmick like the table chair.

Marilyn Manson is a criticism of gimmickry, while being itself a gimmick.

The Brodus Clay have gimmick good for the kids and make the people happy.

I never had a gimmick. All I had was a pair of boots and a pair of tights.

When it comes to the golf industry, I know that people see me as a gimmick.

These days, you have to have a gimmick to do the weather. You have to have an act.

Look at 'Bonanza.' If you rely on a gimmick or one big star, you've got a problem.

MPs have no real knowledge of how to function other than via gimmick and briefings.

Dusty Rhodes play good-man gimmick. He party with me long, long time in the Florida.

We do Greco-Roman, freestyle. The Old Country way. No gimmick wrestling in my house.

God gave me a voice to sing with, and when you have that, what other gimmick is there?

A gimmick would be something you'd do to attract attention or to bring fame and fortune.

I don't want any gimmicks. The fact that people think that Whack is a gimmick is so crazy.

That's how diversity becomes a gimmick or device, when it is introduced but not supported.

I don't feel like I'm a character; I certainly don't feel like I'm a gimmick. I am who I am.

With a gimmick, there isn't much substance. If you play to the crowd too much, it can go bad.

A great gimmick is a great gimmick, but on a dud, it just doesn't work. It comes down to talent.

I think stopping any Muslim artist from performing at Ramlila is a cheap gimmick to gain publicity.

That's my real name. That's not like a gimmick or anything, that's my government name, Tierra Whack.

You don't want to be a gimmick. You don't want to be a set piece, where people go, 'Hey, that's weird.'

I don't see us as a big media gimmick band. We don't have a cultivated appearance or anything like Kiss.

I don't really have a gimmick or a 'thing.' I'm one of the few artists who gets to be himself every day.

It wasn't like I just woke up and said, 'Here's my gimmick; I'll wear a hat and put something weird on it.'

Valentine's day has been reduced to a marketing gimmick. Buying diamonds for your beloved has no appeal for me.

I feel like the high-concept shows that have some kind of gimmick tend not to be the hit classic shows of all time.

In the 1970s, there was a trend for all detectives on TV to have some quirk or gimmick, and this was often physical.

When I got the name 'The Franchise,' the gimmick, and turned it into what it became, I put my heart and soul into that.

If you look at the state of our planet, the next generations won't be around if we consider sustainability as a gimmick.

It's real simple - we all have nightmares, and the idea you can be in real jeopardy in them is a great gimmick. It's universal.

I often talked to Bing Crosby, and while I liked him, I never understood why he was so popular. To me his voice was just a gimmick.

People are mistaken to view cinema as some sort of gimmick. It's very much ingrained in the ways in which we understand each other.

Honestly, I just want to wrestle! Like, I don't need to be in these crazy gimmick matches or always be working for the championship.

My incarceration was actually a positive thing from the beginning. I needed a gimmick to get my act going again, it gave me material.

I've never wanted to use my age as a gimmick, as something that would get me ahead of other people. I've wanted the music to do that.

Far from being a showbiz gimmick, for me dressing as I please has signalled the end of a lifelong performance of straightforward masculinity.

All my songs were solo voices. Just me singing. In fact, that was the gimmick - no gimmick. Just singing straight with not too much background.

Even to current-events junkies, the notion of a 24-hour news channel sounded like a gimmick when the Cable News Network launched more than 30 years ago.

The Hamas organization is explicitly dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is not a rhetorical gimmick; it is its declared unwavering primary goal.

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