I acted in millions of TV shows.

I'm not very good at being dull.

Now I know how Joan of Arc felt.

Rush to danger; wind up nowhere.

I have no fear, I have only love

Love is only one fine star away.

If you insist, how can I resist?

If you're gonna sing, sing loud.

Success is the sweetest revenge.

Travel teaches as much as books.

I'm not a real blond... Shocking.

I would like to do some musicals.

Just get up there and let it rip!

I have a good sense of direction.

I play the piano and write music.

R&B is not a fad; it's the truth.

I'm a big woman. I need big hair.

Women absolutely deserve respect.

I had no musical training at all.

Country music belongs to America.

Never touch another man's button.

I don't give a crap about clowns.

One love, one heart, one destiny.

Man is a universe within himself.

I really love traveling to Japan.

I find inspiration in everything.

Music is universal; it's healing.

Doo-wop was full of blues for me.

I love to tease men with my legs.

Be yourself. Embrace your quirks.

My voice, I'm blessed to have it.

Never run back to what broke you.

I think I sound like Barry White.

I quit shoelaces a long time ago.

A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell

I'm not much of a public speaker.

I have an aversion to conformity.

Do you know we are ruled by T.V.?

I liked roaming around by myself.

I drank too much, only champagne.

What's a victory when its hollow?

I’m so glamorous even in pajamas.

The greatest sin is carelessness.

Tangle me up like Grandma's yarn.

I'm a big advocate of meditation.

My blue eyes are my best feature.

I really rebel against authority.

Everything is falling into place.

Finding beauty in the dissonance.

I want to keep going till I drop.

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