Doing a movie about computers between 1978 and 1982? You cant get much less sexy, less active than that.

President Lech Kaczynski is not at all active in Poland and his image abroad leaves a lot to be desired.

Nonviolence, when it becomes active, travels with extraordinary velocity, and then it becomes a miracle.

I'm a very active person. I'm a big tomboy, throwing around a football, hiking... all that stuff I love.

The more communities in which you are an active participant, the more likely it is that you'll be happy.

But active programming consists of the design of new programs, rather than contemplation of old programs.

Fans are essential in the California heat. The ones with movement keep the air flow active - I need that.

I like to wear bodysuits and things that make me feel really active and athletic and also really sensual.

Doing a movie about computers between 1978 and 1982? You can't get much less sexy, less active than that.

I am a very active person. I have a lot of energy, and I love to be doing something physical all the time.

The boarding I do is pretty strenuous and because I'm so active I really don't have to work out too often.

I'm active, but I just don't like being hungry or feeling like I've deprived myself. I want to enjoy life.

No one who knows my personal situation would think I am not sympathetic to the needs of the active forces.

It is a sad reality that active shooter drills are a standard way of life for kids as young as pre-school.

I do exercises on my Wii. It's nice to have games that keep you active. It's an excuse to play video games.

I love to draw and paint. I'm very active in that way, but I'm not very good with the written word, though.

That's my only active wish. I think if I sang like Don Henley, this would be a lot more agreeable business.

I'm sporty, active, bubbly, I like to make people laugh... I'm the jokester. But I'm also very traditional.

When Gates was active in business, he was the smartest - so focused that no company could surpass Microsoft.

We are the recipients of scientific method. We can each be a creative and active part of it if we so desire.

For me an adventure is something that I can take an active part in but that I don't have total control over.

The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief.

I got great sex education, and I always knew that if I wanted to be sexually active, I had to have safe sex.

For more than a quarter of a century on active duty, my house has been my tent, and my home the battlefield.

Pictures of Amazons on vase paintings always show them as beautiful, active, spirited, courageous, and brave.

Politically active people felt more and more disenfranchised, particularly during the ultra-New Labour years.

I have always been politically active and vaguely dissatisfied with the state of news, but I wasn't sure why.

I feel very happy to be living in Berkeley because there are a lot of people who are politically active here.

Anita Bryant is an important figure in gay history because she enraged a generation of people who got active.

I don't have feeling in my feet to my fingertips; I also have active lesions in my bone marrow and in my eyes.

In my position, I could be a debutante. But we only got to this position by being a politically active family.

The ego always needs to be 'doing,' and repeating a mantra guides my mind to a deeper, less active experience.

If you want an active schedule, you have to husband your time so you can act on the things that are important.

If we live a sedentary life, you're going to be depressed and lack confidence. So get out there and get active.

I've been active in animal rights and all kinds of environmental stuff and children's charities over the years.

We can engineer a building and design a building with least reliance on active machinery to make it inhabitable.

It's important to be active in the causes that are important to you... That's how we make changes in this world.

I've been into golf, trying to get into the gym to stay somewhat fit. I've got two boys now, they're active kids.

The "times," "the age" what is that, but a few profound persons and a few active persons who epitomize the times?

I have always been active and into sports my entire life, and I've always wanted to be a star and inspire others.

My outlines can be 10-20 pages in length and focus primarily on the physical active plot over the emotional plot.

Who knows controversies better than me? The controversies always chase people who are active and decision makers.

We have an active program. We have nuclear weapons, we are a nuclear power. We have an advanced missiles program.

I'm quite active and I try not to let the way I look be the main focus because it's not the most important thing.

I have a very active social life. It may look glamorous, and it is, but it also takes an enormous amount of time.

Many people, men in particular, just can't not be active. I guess our minds demand that we seek other challenges.

Part of what makes Minneapolis such a vibrant place to live and work is that we have active residents of all ages.

Fortunately, I have been very healthy all my life and very active all my life and have enjoyed an active lifestyle.

I'm just trying to keep my mind and my body active. The tough part about it is that physically I'm sort of limited.

I work out once a day. When I'm in a massive dance show mode, I'll probably be active for about 20 hours each week.

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