Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock.

Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock.

The queen!" someone shouted in alarm, and the King erupted like a ...

The queen!" someone shouted in alarm, and the King erupted like a wild animal caught in a snare.

Program Alarm, it's a 1202.

I use a smoke alarm as a timer.

Vanity often produces unreasonable alarm.

cozy+smell of pancakes-alarm clock=weekend

Alarm stole over me on little kitten feet.

No Alarm Clock Needed. My Passion Wakes Me.

There is no alarm clock like embarrassment.

Life is a theatre of alarms and contentions.

It is not death, it is dying that alarms me.

Roger. We've got you, we're go on that alarm.

Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not.

That's nothing - my alarm clock is set for eight.

No alarm clock needed. My passion wakes me up.. !

If love is a dream, then marriage is the alarm clock.

Sound an alarm! Advertising, not deals, builds brands.

I like things that are simple, such as an alarm clock.

A little alarm now and then keeps life from stagnation.

Sociology, the guilty science, functions best by alarm.

My alarm clock during my childhood was a pride of lions.

Dignity takes alarm at the unexpected sound of laughter.

Don't let your alarm clock, be the only reason you wake up.

I don`t set the alarm to get up. I get up when I feel like it.

It's nice to see that look of alarm on the faces of the others.

A snooze button is a poor substitute for no alarm clock at all.

To see both sides of a quarrel, is to judge without hate or alarm

Lesson #456 of high school life: Never, EVER trust an alarm clock.

I don't need an alarm clock, for habit is the best alarm there is.

being Cassandra is a principled choice when there is cause for alarm.

We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.

If you try to impress an alarm clock, it will simply tell you the time.

Waking up each morning to a hysterical alarm clock on the bedside table.

If I wore a peek-a-boo dress, it would be like turning in a false alarm.

I'm going to get you a broken alarm clock so you'll get up in the morning.

Nervous alarms should always be communicated, that they may be dissipated.

I'm not saying my wife's a bad cook, but she uses a smoke alarm as a timer.

Our planet's alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!

I had an alarm, I had nerve gas, I had a yogurt. What more could anyone want?

To sound the alarm is not to panic but to seek action from an aroused public.

A car alarm is a way for a car to tell everyone that its owner is an asshole.

Where every day doesn't start with an alarm clock and end with the television.

Though it might have its momentary alarms, paternity is not an exciting vocation.

If you're having trouble waking up for fajr, set your alarm to play Quran. It works!

And as to you Death, and you bitter hug of mortality, it is idle to try to alarm me.

I'll take a quiet life, A handshake of carbon monoxide. No alarms and no surprises...

We’ve all got to worry some-but we can’t let it conquer us. Instead, let it alarm us.

Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me. No hope, no harm; just another false alarm.

There's an alarm bell that goes off in my head if I can sense that I'm making a mistake.

Birthday Alarm was a very simple site based on being reminded of your friends' birthdays.

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