Trees always remind me of Aboriginal people.

People are always telling me to shut up about Chicago.

People always let me know when their team beats the Canucks.

People haven't always been there for me, but music always has.

People are always casting me for what they call my 'authority.'

I'm always very proud when people ask me about being a Canadian.

I would worry if people always associated me with Larry Sokolov.

People have always complimented me for being cheerful and happy.

People expect me to cry, but I always laugh when things go wrong.

I'd always maintained an image so that people wouldn't approach me.

I've always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be.

When people make fun, it doesn't bother me. I've always enjoyed a laugh.

People are fascinated by me and always have been, and I have no clue why.

People treat me like family, 'cause I've always treated them like family.

I've always worked with people who have been supporters of me creatively.

People always associated me with 'Vogue,' 'Vogue Living,' or 'Elle Decor.'

As more doors open for me, I try to always bring people who I know through.

I suspect people always thought I had a boyfriend, so nobody came after me.

For the beginning of my career, I was always playing people younger than me.

People ask me to smile for the camera, but somehow it always comes out gloomy.

People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.

I'm a real goof-ball deep down. It's always been my thing to make people like me.

There are always decades that interest people. For me, that's the Roaring Twenties.

It always amazes me when people ask you to do something and then tell you how to do it.

If you're like me and nosy, you're always eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

I think people think of me as this elegant person because they always see me dressed up.

I always wanted to thrill people with my dancing - just as how K-pop dancing thrilled me.

People always ask me: How are you? I say I'm the envy of millions. I've been a lucky guy.

I've always made sure that I tour with bands that people aren't expecting me to tour with.

I've always been very determined to do things my own way and people can expect that from me.

I wasn't lonely as a child. I was the eldest of four and always had lots of people around me.

People always come up to me and say that my smoking is bothering them... Well, it's killing me!

People always take pictures and ask me for autographs. That just comes with it. We all do that.

I've just always liked watching people dance. I can't explain it. It used to just make me laugh.

People have always thought of me as a passer of the ball, but you can't just be that these days.

People have always thought of me as being something, but I'm just a human being like everyone else.

People always assume I went to public school, which I didn't, so that immediately puts me somewhere.

There's always doubts about me, and I always want to prove people wrong, so that's what I try to do.

I always do like seeing other people dance in their cars. It's one of the things that makes me happy.

People always go, 'Damn, how you got all this happening at once?' I tell them it's the Chicago in me.

There's a certain group of people who are always going to dislike me and disagree with whatever I say.

People were always asking me who I wanted to tour with, and I always said Jason Aldean or Brad Paisley.

People don't come up to me very often. Everyone is always in such disbelief that I can go to the market.

People always come up to me and say, Oh, you're Chloe Se-VIG-ny, right? Sevigny. Number seven, letter e.

What I find daunting always is to stand on a stage and talk to people, whether they agree with me or not.

I always tell people that revelling in big ideas for me is kind of like an antidote to existential angst.

Some people criticize me for always wearing different variations of bobs, but bobs never go out of style.

I'm always a little worried when people have met me in person because I'm worried they'll be disappointed.

When people ask, 'What role are you dying to play?' I always say, 'The one being written for me right now.'

I've always been afraid of saying no to people because I don't want them to be disappointed and dislike me.

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