People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does ...

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.

I like girly, colorful bathing suits.

Motivation is like bathing. You've got to do it every single day.

If you don't feel good in the bathing suit, you're not going to look good.

Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not become depressed afterward.

I try to keep Alaska fresh by doing laundry and bathing at least once a month.

In the summer I'm always walking around in a bathing suit and I never wear shoes.

If I was going to be on screen in a bathing suit, I wanted to feel good about myself.

I don't know any woman who doesn't have an anxiety attack about wearing a bathing suit.

It's my job in Hollywood to find roles where I get to be a character not a bathing suit.

The bathing suits they had me wear on Baywatch were all one-pieces, which kill my figure.

I don't want to look like Daisy Duke every day. I don't want to wear a bathing suit every day.

I'm completely bathing suit-obsessed, and I love lurking on Instagram looking for the best bikinis.

Our clothes are not always beautiful on the hanger, but put them on, and they fit like bathing suits.

I grew up on the beach, so I'm really comfortable in a bathing suit, playing volleyball, running around.

I just say throw on your bathing suit or the shortest shorts you own regardless of your size and rock it.

My Dad was so open creatively that I was off in search of black turtleneck bathing suits with long sleeves.

The specific story line that people have responded to the most has been the horror of bathing suit shopping.

I am not the sort of woman who would wear high heels with a bathing suit. Let's get that straight right now.

The thing to know is love yourself and find the bathing suits that make you feel comfortable and just rock it.

I grew up in Florida riding horses, so for the majority of my life I was either in boots and jeans or a bathing suit.

I go to Vegas now, and I'm in the casino, and I'm gambling, and there's a guy in a wet bathing suit gambling right next to me.

I was the only swimmer in movies. Tarzan was long gone, and he couldn't have done them anyway; he could never have gotten into my bathing suit.

Shaw is like a train. One just speaks the words and sits in one's place. But Shakespeare is like bathing in the sea - one swims where one wants.

If you think about it now, it's kind of ridiculous. All these hot girls on Baywatch in tiny little red bathing suits running around saving lives.

People come over, and we watch things like 'The Paul Lynde Halloween Special.' I have a hot tub. Everybody puts on a bathing suit and we splash around.

Get your body as ready as you can when you are looking for swimsuits to feel good about yourself because it's so awful looking and shopping for bathing suits.

In private, I may wear a bikini, but at the public beach with my kids, I would change bathing suits because they do not want to be hanging out with some old broad in a bikini.

People shop for a bathing suit with more care than they do a husband or wife. The rules are the same. Look for something you'll feel comfortable wearing. Allow for room to grow.

Shudder, in fact, is not quite the word for the feeling. Feeling is not quite the word for the feeling. How's bathing at knifepoint in the phlegm of the dead? Is that a feeling?

I spend a lot of time bathing in a glow of consensus, but you have to be willing to say something to people who might not agree with you and take the consequences of what follows.

Pharrell has definitely influenced my style in regards to streetwear. Simply because we're from that era that Nigo and A Bathing Ape started. That's where it all started at for us.

I spend a lot of time bathing in a glow of consensus but you also have to be willing to say something to people who might not agree with you and take the consequences of what follows.

You're in a bathing suit pretty much all year round working for Victoria's Secret. There's so many shoots, and we're always in lingerie, so you kinda always have to be prepared and ready.

For me it's always about trying to consistently maintain a fit and body-conscious eating schedule so three days before I'm not like, 'Oh my God - I have a bathing suit shoot I have to do.'

My husband loves the '90s; he's an avid '90s movie watcher, and it drives me insane. Nothing real came out of the '90s! The bad bathing suits that came up too high on women's hips came out in the '90s!

I don't normally do shoots in bikinis - I'm just not that kind of girl. But for 'Maxim' I was like, 'Bring it on!' I wanted to wear the higher heels and the skimpier bathing suit. I figured I'd go for it!

The right honourable gentleman caught the Whigs bathing, and walked away with their clothes. He has left them in the full enjoyment of their liberal positions, and he is himself a strict conservative of their garments.

The light from the sun breaks through space, bathing our planet as it encircles the sun with life-giving warmth and light. Without the sun, there could be no life on this planet; it would be forever barren, cold, and dark.

I was in Florida with Burt Stern, the photographer who shot Marilyn Monroe on the beach with a sweater, and we smoked a joint. The bathing suit kept coming off in the water, and I just ripped it off. I was very comfortable being naked.

When you have a gown, there's much more to be concerned about. Where is this crease falling? Are you making a weird shape with the dress? Are you doing the designer justice? With a bathing suit, it's more about you and the mood you convey.

We were at a beach one summer, and I had a bathing suit on. My wife looked at me and said: 'Boy, you are skinny, aren't you?' I said: 'Honey, I'd like to remind you that it was minor defects like this that kept me from getting a better wife.'

It's hard when you get into an Instagram hole, because we live in such a Facetuned world. You see all these girls are in their bathing suits, and it's hard not to think, 'I wish I looked like that.' But you can only be your own personal best.

I often think I am a better person because I lived for many years of my life with a flashlight. I have developed skills I did not think were possible - bathing with a cup of water by candlelight, for instance, and writing a story with a headlamp on.

When I was first pregnant, which was, let's see, in nineteen-eighty-three - I remember wearing a regular bathing suit to my in-laws' pool. It was just like a spandex one-piece, completely modest, and yet people were looking at me like it was obscene.

Asceticism doesn't lie in mere words; He is an ascetic who treats everyone alike. Asceticism doesn't lie in visiting burial places; it lies not in wandering about nor in bathing at places of pilgrimage. Asceticism is to remain pure amidst impurities.

Being in a multicultural environment in childhood is going to give you intuition, reflexes and instincts. You may acquire basic responsiveness later on, but it's never going to be as spontaneous as when you have been bathing in this environment during childhood.

People think because you're a celebrity, because you're on TV, because you're 'People Magazine''s Sexiest Men Alive, things like that, that we're bathing in champagne and taking limos door to door. But we're literally the same guys, just with much busier schedules.

When I was 13, I was in my tent at Girl Scout camp, trying to change out of my bathing suit and talking at the same time. I fell out of the tent in front of everyone with my bathing suit around my ankles. I was humiliated - but no amount of humiliation has ever seemed to stop me.

I was born in Northern California and lived there until I was about eight years old. Then my parents moved me up to Seattle. I lived there from ages eight to 16. When I was a California kid, I remember running around in my bathing suit and barefoot all the time and getting a suntan.

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