I want to start a blog.

I will not stop my blog.

I can put up a blog in 10 seconds.

Everyone's drunk on the term 'blog.'

I blog because I have something to say.

I don't have a particular go-to political blog.

I never really thought I would make a blog myself.

No matter what I do, I always come home to my blog.

You can't hold up a blog; you can hold up a magazine.

A daily blog would just about finish me off completely.

In the beginning, my blog was exclusively read by my mom.

Nowadays, everyone seems to have a blog that finds readers.

My blog is not about repelling men, it's about good fashion.

If you still use 'admin' as a username on your blog, change it.

I definitely feel like my blog is going edgy to broad and boring.

Everyone should have a blog. It's the most democratic thing ever.

My blog is actually all self-photography unless it's a photo shoot.

I'm terrible at posting regularly; I don't deserve the blog success!

Blogs are evil. Actually, the blogs aren't as evil as blog comments.

It's crazy to think my blog is being read by people around the world.

I was the first model to get a blog and talk about anything in modeling.

It's not always easy for a mainstream organization to accept what a blog is.

Police blog or entertainment news, it's just good to see your name in print.

I was doing some YouTube covers, and I had a decently popular blog on Tumblr.

I had a personal blog, but why does anyone care that I went shopping for hats?

I wish more LPs would blog to help VCs and entrepreneurs understand them better.

Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself.

Read every book, blog, website, whatever, about what you want to be an expert in.

If you have a food blog and want to connect with a bigger audience, Nom is for you.

Just because you have a blog doesn't mean that you should, like, lie for no reason.

Never blog just to put something out there. I would post only things that excite me.

In 1998, I started a blog, something I could control very easily and update at my own whim.

Like, radio is closer to a Tumblr, or a blog, or Twitter, than it is to television, I think.

As my blog editor knows all too well, I wasn't all that keen to enter the blogosphere world.

Franchesca and Sharkey, my French bulldogs, have their own blog. And they are brilliant at it.

If somebody crafts an interesting tweet that'll lead me to their blog, I'm going to their blog.

The first inkling my husband had that I was thinking about suicide was when he checked my blog.

The Guardian's 'Word of Mouth' blog bridges the gap between blogging and serious food journalism.

It's hard for me to imagine why a church that has younger members wouldn't have a blog component.

The digital native doesn't send a letter to the editor anymore. She goes online and starts a blog.

I think the word 'blog' is an ugly word. I just don't know why people can't use the word 'journal.'

What was so comforting was that the more I started being honest on my blog, the more people responded.

I only started uploading on YouTube because I was having trouble one day uploading a video on my blog.

I will not let my sales figures dictate what I say on the blog, because the blog is what I want to say.

I have a severe Google Reader habit. I think people will use blog forms and twitter to contrive fiction.

When I started my blog, I wanted it to be like my house - my own little place that anyone could come to.

Blog culture has a hard time digesting narratives, but it has an easy time digesting 'big ideas' pieces.

We all need to focus on our writing. Because the millions of readers out there don't care about your blog.

I co-founded 'bOING bOING' magazine and the 'Boing Boing Blog' and was an editor at 'Wired' from 1993-1998.

When I wrote my first blog, I got one response. Now, I sometimes get as many as 400 responses for my posts.

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