Age don't count in the booth.

I don't write; I just go in the booth.

I write in the booth and memorize in rehearsals.

I'm not sure I really want to step into the booth.

Leisure time is when I'm not at the Booth Theater.

She was so small she could make mamba in a telephone booth.

I'm a fan of Jay-Z, from the negotiating table to the booth.

Noise is a buffer, more effective than cubicles or booth walls.

I'm like a toll booth. Sooner or later, you have to come to me.

I'm the type person, my safe place to be emotional is the booth.

A guy gave me a job at an information booth - no questions asked.

I was a booth worker of the BJP. I rose to become the party president.

It's a complicated set of opinions that women bring to the voting booth.

Look, I had a great experience in the booth. I saw a different perspective.

Getting into the voice-over booth, there are no cameras and no inhibitions.

How I am in the booth, how I am when I meet you, that's how I am in general.

Millions of people walk into the voting booth and vote for someone they like.

I'm writing a movie script about vampires with an animator called Michael Booth.

I get a more passionate delivery when I just go in the booth and let the music talk.

You don't realize how easy this game is until you get up in that broadcasting booth.

Whether it's on top of a phone booth or a $200 million soundstage, it's about stories.

A lot of people's favorite rappers will literally get in the booth and just make sounds.

When it comes time to go into the booth, I will be writing down President Mike Bloomberg.

If you're going to put me in the booth, make sure it's because I'm good enough to be there.

When I am in the sound booth, I am trying to convey as much as I can through just my voice.

George Booth and I are both funny, and from afar, without meeting, admired each other's work.

To tell you the truth, I don't like talking too much once I leave this booth. I'm talked out.

I'm in the booth and first of all, I'm from Germany and I had never heard a gospel in my life.

I auditioned for the leading role in 'The Kissing Booth' that came out on Netflix, funny enough.

The thing that's cool about the recording booth is that it's so perfunctory, so cut-to-the-chase.

I cast my first vote on my father's lap in 1960, for Richard Nixon, in the voting booth. I was 8.

The idea of sitting in a booth, and having someone pay me to sign autographs, seems so gross to me.

I definitely use 'smiling while rapping' as a tool in the booth. I want to have fun while recording.

My involvement with the USFL began in the broadcast booth before I ever coached a game in the league.

Well, they put me in a booth and then did some nice things to the speaker to make it come out sounding ok.

When I started as a color man in the booth with CBS, I would make footballs out of a roll of toilet paper.

Imagine the first time you are about to rap in a studio and you find yourself in a booth with Redman and KRS!

I want to be in the booth any day - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday - it doesn't matter to me. I'm hooked. I love it.

I had a couple of chances to go inside the broadcast booth when I was out of the car in 2016 and loved it a lot.

It's amazing when I walk through an expo hall and can't figure out what a company does just by walking past its booth.

Fairs are beneath the dignity of art. To stand there in a booth and hawk your wares - it is just not how you sell art.

I look at my first appointment book from 1965 and I get dizzy. I was constantly in a phone booth calling photographers.

I am, in fact, Superman. Every morning I wake up and go into a telephone booth and change my costume, and then go to work.

I don't want to be a negative piece of barbed wire sitting up in the booth with all the answers. I think that's a turn-off.

I had almost no money, but with the little bit I had, I got a ticket to see 'That Championship Season' at the Booth theater.

Reading in a sound booth seems very strange. Everyone has a process they are comfortable with; this was uncomfortable for me.

The freedom of just going into the booth and spitting and freestyling to release whatever was on your mind was alluring to me.

Having a stage name is like having a Superman complex. I go into the telephone booth as Eric Bishop and come out as Jamie Foxx.

You can bring your children under age 18 into the voting booth with you. Many families do so as a way to teach civic responsibility.

I'm a superhero that knows how to have a good time. I'll get behind the DJ booth and get on the ones and twos and get the party going.

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