To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of ...

To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.

I'm a luxury brand.

I take my brand very seriously.

Loewe should be a cultural brand.

Every great brand is like a great story.

I should become a peach brand ambassador.

Adam Sandler is a remarkable movie brand.

Rock n' roll is dream soup, what's your brand?

I am not brand conscious. I wear what suits me.

A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.

We want the brand of Accenture to be innovation.

I am always looking for ways to expand my brand.

Puma is a brand deeply rooted in sporting lifestyle.

The creative brand of Cirque du Soleil is creativity.

People need patience. It takes time to build a brand.

I'm speechless! I am so happy to have won MTV Brand New!

No one is going to understand your brand better than you.

Unfortunately, being a brand is really important nowadays.

When I get a brand new bag, I wear it for months and months.

When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable.

I've been wearing the same brand of underwear since I was a baby.

Build a lifestyle around your brand, and the audience will follow.

Eighty dollars for a T-shirt - that's how you know the brand is good.

I just wanna start a brand that inspires and is geared towards youth.

Personal brand equity erodes much faster than corporate brand equity.

You have to stay true to your heritage; that's what your brand is about.

I truly learned how to be a top brand myself and be what I needed to be.

Waka Flocka is a product, a franchise, a brand, a label... And a good guy!

I'm trying to become a young CEO, to brand myself in television and movies.

It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new.

CNN is a more diverse brand. It's spread out over more products over there.

Influence is the new power - if you have influence, you can create a brand.

Leverage your brand. You shouldn't let two guys in a garage eat your shorts.

The strength of brand loyalty begins with how your product makes people feel.

Just because you're a luxury brand doesn't mean you have to have an attitude.

It's exciting to see a brand like Hershey's is getting into the gaming world.

I prefer the rather old and battered, things with character, to the brand new.

I never have thought of myself as a brand. I've thought of myself as an artist.

The Gap has always been an iconic, go-to brand that reminds me of my childhood.

We will make La Perla a great international brand for beauty and feminine luxury.

To me, the AMC brand is great storytelling - they call it slow-burn storytelling.

In designing a lifestyle brand, you have to know more than just designing clothes.

I enjoy just being me. I don't need to be Queen Latifah, the brand, 24 hours a day.

I come from Texas. We're a different brand of people. You're not changing who I am.

Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand new in each and every moment.

I think chatbots are the future of engagement between a fan and a brand or celebrity.

Customers don't just want to shop: they want to feel that the brand understands them.

We try to make earth-friendly decisions whenever we can, as it's part of our brand DNA.

I'm more for the style than the brand. I don't go brand shopping; I go detail shopping.

I am a sportsman, not a brand ambassador, besides being the first goalkeeper of Adidas.

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