I grew up watching 'Raging Bull.'

The world knows me as the Raging Bull.

Bull riding is fun, but fighting is it.

Bulls do not win bull fights. People do.

I never rode a bull - I'm not that stupid.

I wanted to be a bull rider when I grew up.

I have an amazing partnership with Red Bull.

I bet you my body is three-quarters Red Bull.

Markets tend to shake you up before a bull run.

I have a pit bull. He's a rescue. He's adorable.

The studio was very nervous about 'Raging Bull.'

I don't need a huge pit bull to tell me I'm tough.

I couldn't hit an elephant's ass with a bull fiddle.

I'm a Taurus, you know. A bull. I belong in a field.

Bull markets are Test matches and not 50-over games.

I grew up watching Bull Nakano, and she was amazing.

In fact my son subscribes to Pro Bull Rider magazine.

I don't like any sport except boxing and bull fighting.

Right before Mag Seven I did a movie called The Bull Rider.

I take the bull by the horns and make a plan and go for it.

It's the fear of failure that drives all of us at Red Bull.

My wife loves elephants and compares me to a big bull elephant.

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.

George Wallace is gone; Bull Connor is dead. He's not coming back.

I'm a strong voice by nature. I'm sometimes a bull in a china shop.

I'm still a Red Bull driver. I'm part of this family more than ever.

A pit bull is like a fighter. Every so often it needs to taste blood.

Red Bull has invested a huge amount in youth and should be commended.

I never thought my face would be on the cover of a Red Bull Six Pack.

I hate the taste of alcohol. When I'm drinking, I'm drinking Red Bull.

I don't want to define New York Red Bull as one player, or one manager.

It would have been fun to have played Tim Robbins' role in Bull Durham.

I'd go at anyone. I took all of my brothers' bull. It made me who I am.

I would love to get in the ring with Bull Nakano. I would be so excited.

Trump will give you the robust bull: 25,000 on the Dow in the first term.

I don't want actors reasoning with me about 'motivation' and all that bull.

I was drinking so much coffee and Red Bull just to keep going it screwed me.

I admire bull riders for their passion and the uniqueness each one of them has.

Before Little Bighorn, Sitting Bull had dream of soldiers falling from the sky.

I am a comic writer, which means I get to slay the dragons, and shoot the bull.

Historically, there has been a bull market in commodities every 20 or 30 years.

Being attached to America these days is like being in a pen with a wounded bull.

I'm strictly a sugar-free Red Bull guy. I'd rather enjoy my sugar intake elsewhere.

I slag off people I see coming out of the gym with a can of Red Bull or a Lucozade!

'Raging Bull' was badly received at first. It took 10 years for it to be recognised.

There are times a country is so tired of bull that only the truth can provide relief.

Anytime I've been photographed with a glass of champagne in my hand, it's really Red Bull.

The best public poems aren't necessarily those that go at the subject like a bull at a gate.

If a queen bee were crossed with a Friesian bull, would not the land flow with milk and honey?

I really want to thank Red Bull Racing and Dr. Helmut Marko for the confidence they have in me.

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