Orthodox chanting is non-emotional, it's very monotone.

Orthodox chanting is non-emotional; it's very monotone.

You dream as a player of having fans chanting your name.

You don't have people chanting 'Death to America' in Israel.

I got that idea from being in India. I always like the chanting.

I have been following Buddhism since 11 years now. I love the sound of chanting.

Changes occur after taking practical steps, not by chanting slogans and giving speeches.

Chanting was very deep for me. It was as if I remembered it. It was like a real surrender.

With the years passing I feel the need to know more about meditation, kriya yoga and chanting.

My day starts with the chanting of Gayatri Mantra and Om Namah Shivay. I chant them every time I bowl.

It's the perfect environment for prayer. Chanting in Greek... is like a beautiful opera, but way better.

'This Means War' is up there with 'Hail to the King' in terms of crowd reaction and kids chanting for it.

I am a Christian, and since the age of five I have been singing... chanting hymns containing the word 'Hosanna.'

When you win you're going to get fans chanting your name and when you don't do great they're going to give you stick.

The trappings of a religious cult tend to fall into candlelit ceremonies and robes and group chanting and singing and prayer.

I'm not OK with clergy, students, and those of different opinions chanting and swearing, but it is their constitutional right.

I've always been the one who is more enthusiastic about Christmas than my family. I regress to a child state, chanting carols.

I never really liked poetry readings; I liked to read poetry by myself, but I liked singing, chanting my lyrics to this jazz group.

If yelling and threatening, intimidating and chanting solved problems, Illinois wouldn't have any problems. We're good at that stuff.

Eva. Every day I've climbed up the belfry chanting a lucky chant at one syllable per beat, "To-day-to-day-let-her-be-here-to-day-to-day.

I think there's always a line between what is parody in good fun in chanting and what is intended to belittle certain segments of society.

Mitt Romney is a true Mormon. John Edwards and Bill Clinton are not real Mormons. It was not 'Brigham Young' they were chanting. It was 'Bring 'em young.'

So I started chanting when I was nineteen, which was about twelve years ago, and it really had a huge impact on my outlook, happiness, and general creativity.

I always used to get goosebumps in Madison Square Garden, because as soon as I started making my entrance, people would be chanting my name. 'BRU-NO! BRU-NO!'

I find the practice of yoga very spiritual and taking the time to just be and to reflect through meditation and chanting helps me to connect to a higher energy.

If you're working on a novel, whatever you do, don't say, 'I am almost finished with my novel.' It's worse than chanting Bloody Mary three times in front of a mirror.

The big political news, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for governor of California, and already, people are chanting, 'Four more vowels, four more vowels.'

If a player has been affected by racist chanting, then it is up to the officials to stop the game and make sure a message is read out to the supporters asking them to stop.

The high of victory in the ring was bigger than the biggest party. You'd get in the ring and hear thousands of fans chanting your name and I'd be giving it all back for them.

When 'The Bell Curve' came out, I'd have lectures with lots of people chanting and picketing with signs, but it was always within the confines of the event and I was eventually able to speak.

Rolling Stones, Beatles, we gave them all the break they were looking for. All they needed was a good opening act, and we went out there and performed as well as we could... over 15,000 kids chanting.

People don't understand, and I do, is what happens after wrestling. What do you do when people stop chanting your name? For me, I already had that with the nightclub business before wrestling and now with DDP YOGA.

Chanting is a simple practice. When you notice you are thinking about something else during the chant, let go of the thought and come back home, to the chant, to that place where we are expressing our inner purity.

People perceive me as this kind of hippy intellectual, reflecting and communing with nature or in a pyramid somewhere chanting. Really, no. I love speed, fast things, quad and road bikes, and bombing down a mountain.

Pretty much, I was a hometown fighter, and everyone was pulling for me. Now I'm a hometown fighter again. It's a lot of pressure because you don't want to let people down. They're yelling your name and chanting for you.

It pumps me up - the whole idea of the bowler marking his run-up, popping at the crease, the crowd chanting, nerves building up. It's a very good feeling. Right from the first ball, I know I have to be at the top of my game.

In Kolkata is a temple where the deity worshipped is Amitabh Bachchan. The daily aarti is performed to the chanting of the Amitabh Chaleesa. And people still ask, 'Could our mythological heroes be based on actual people who once lived?'

When I wrote the song, I had the sea near Bombay in mind. We stayed at a hotel by the sea, and the fishermen come up at five in the morning and they were all chanting. And we went on the beach and we got chased by a mad dog - big as a donkey.

When you have 20,000 people yelling and screaming at you, four other guys can concentrate on the floor. So every time I touch the basketball and everyone is yelling and chanting and doing things towards me, well, four other guys can concentrate.

I used to hunt as a child but gave up the chase in my 'Ho Ho Ho Chi-Minh, we shall fight and we shall win' chanting and marching days - by which time I had come to share Oscar Wilde's feelings about 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.'

It's wonderful being out on that pitch, being able to play there, with the fans supporting us. It's hard to describe, to be honest, when the team is playing well, when the supporters are chanting and singing their songs, when they are really behind the team.

I remember I was playing basketball, and an entire arena was, like, chanting 'Big Foot.' It was a high school game, but... you're constantly being reminded you're bigger; you don't look like everybody. There were days where I would be upset, and, like, I'd cry about it.

I did a music festival in France. I'm not going to name names, but there were bigger bands and DJs on before me, and throughout their set, all I could hear them chanting was 'Hodor!' And I was, like, 'Oh, please stop! It's so disrespectful to the other acts!' In a way, obviously, I loved it, but it was kind of embarrassing at the same time.

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