Conte is a good friend and is very charismatic.

I am charismatic with roots of the Pentecostal.

I'm your full blown charismatic evangelical freak daddy.

I want to work with extremely, genuinely charismatic people.

I've got a bad rap for not being more charismatic between songs.

Claude Kirk was probably the most charismatic person I ever met.

I tend to fall for the archetypal, talented, charismatic rock boy.

I have a history with charismatic, attractive men who just wear me out.

Truly charismatic people, in my experience, dont come along very often.

Truly charismatic people, in my experience, don't come along very often.

I think I was the most natural, charismatic player who ever lifted a cue.

She's a very charismatic character, and she holds the whole play together.

All that is good is ours not by right but by the sheer bounty of a gracious God

Being charismatic doesn't make you a leader. Being a leader makes you charismatic.

Robert Redford was an absolute blast to work with - a very smart, very charismatic man.

I've worked for years with Michael Kors, and he's just like this funny, charismatic guy.

Bill Veeck was a charismatic and somewhat eccentric owner-fan during the post-WWII years.

Just because someone is very charismatic, it doesn't mean that they're genuinely qualified.

Guys who are charismatic and fun-loving and sweet and generous are the ones I want to date.

Trump is not charismatic. He is artless and politically clumsy and wears his egotism on his sleeve.

I'm not the most charismatic, maybe emotional, fun-packed individual on the golf course; I get that.

My parents reverted to their Catholic faith through the charismatic renewal, so I was raised charismatic.

Barack Obama is way smarter than Bush - so way, way smarter than me. Obama is way more charismatic than me.

There aren't many strong or charismatic candidates today, because many people can't withstand the scrutiny.

Believe it or not, I got into the charismatic, shady, sly heart of Sedgewick Bell by watching CNN and C-SPAN.

When we find ourselves in groups or with charismatic individuals, we might do things we wouldn't ordinarily do.

I've never been a show horse or particularly charismatic. I'm just the guy who gets up and works hard every day.

My father, Rex, was one of the most charismatic human beings I've ever known, and also one of the most brilliant.

Dad was very adventurous. He'd go skin diving and come up with a shark under his arm. He was dashing and charismatic.

I need to not be typecast as big, black, and dumb but be seen as an intelligent, witty, bold, and charismatic person.

I'm not very charismatic or telegenic. I feel bad for the kids waiting three hours in line for their book to be signed.

I want to try something in the genre of rock. I think it will come out great because our members are pretty charismatic.

One of the most popular MMA fighters ever, Kimbo was a charismatic, larger-than-life personality that transcended the sport.

It's coffee - if I have just the right amount, I come across as charismatic. One too many, and it's like I'm having a seizure.

Poker is a charismatic game. People who are larger than life play poker and make their living from playing games and hustling.

Rich Swann is probably the only guy who's more charismatic among this whole bunch than me, and I think it showed in our match.

Everyone knows of great projects that were too dependent on a charismatic individual, or simply too expensive to be replicated.

Klopp gave me strength of character and helped me progress. He's a charismatic person, and I have a lot of respect for this man.

It's good to be able to be a leading lady, to be a romantic lead, to play opposite people who are talented, and charismatic and stuff.

Although charismatic, James Dean is no Harrison Ford. In the majority of his movies, sooner or later he got the crap beaten out of him.

In the course of his presidency, Obama has gone from an almost magical charismatic figure to an ordinary politician. Ordinary. Average.

I wanted to show people I'm like a modern Romeo. I'm romantic, but I can also be seductive. I can be cool and charismatic, swagger-type.

You can be revered for all sorts of qualities, but to be truly charismatic is rare. Elizabeth Taylor was, for me, one of those rarities.

My father is so in love with making movies, and he'sso charismatic about it, that it's hard to be around him withoutwanting to make movies.

Ludacris albums are all over the map in terms of overall quality, but as a rapper, he tops out as a hilarious, charismatic guy with a singular voice.

He was incredibly good as Dr Who. He brought all his eccentricities to the role and was so charismatic and charming. He must be the fans firm favourite.

My mother loved fashion. She was a beauty and had enough sewing skills that she could re-create the looks in magazines. She also was enormously charismatic.

In Germany, they have great difficulty with anything that smacks of cultism or messianic leadership. You can't talk about leadership in its charismatic forms.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are ridiculous-looking - especially her. They're so strange and charismatic and weird. It's pretty hard to take your eyes off them.

We could see that he was a charismatic guy who jumps over the moon and is very competitive, but nobody could have predicted what he would become to our culture.

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