Clubs don't change managers unless there is something wrong.

I think you always want to see your former clubs doing well.

Only one golfer in a thousand grips the club lightly enough.

Something magic happens when I get to a club or get on stage.

I'm a member of a country club, country music is what I love.

Liverpool Football Club is the heartland of football folklore

I managed lots of clubs. I had more clubs than Jack Nicholson

You can change your spouse, your friends but never your club.

My philosophy is that the club is more important than anyone!

Clubs shouldn't be counting on an owner just as a benefactor.

I love book clubs. I just hate reading and talking to people.

I don't go out that often. I'm not going to clubs or anything.

It doesn't matter I have not always been at the biggest clubs.

You are always flattered when big clubs are interested in you.

Why do we 'drive' on a 'parkway' but 'park' at a 'strip club'?

Clubs will lose great players, and great players will come in.

My favorite health club is the International House of Pancakes

I go to screenings, then plays, then after-parties, then clubs.

I can't stand the club scene. It's all about impressing people.

We are a much improved ball club: now we lose in extra innings!

Nobody has shot a strip club in black and white in a long time.

Yes, in general, I think there is too much club football on TV.

So: we're all tired. Now what? Manuscripts written in Club Med?

Clubs need to take more ownership on how they recruit managers.

Some emotions cannot be endured with a golf club in your hands.

The crutch of Time accomplishes more than the club of Hercules.

I like clubs, I like sweat, I like people right up in my space.

A Labour party is not a debating club, it is a party of action.

Everything I do comes from the clubs. If I lose that, I'm done.

You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you.

I'd rather be shot than be seen falling out of some trendy club.

Well, I don't remember all the names of all the clubs we went to

I would never belong to any club that excluded anybody for race.

When do we ask the Sierra Club to pick up the tab for this leak?

I am not a supporter of juniors increasingly going to top clubs.

Mantle had more ability than any player I ever had on that club.

The herd instinct is the new chic! It's like belonging to a club!

When you play for big clubs you have more chance to win trophies.

There was no club but the Hells Angels as far as I was concerned.

I grew up playing in clubs - that's my spiritual stomping ground.

I want the good players of other clubs to stay in the Bundesliga.

The clubs are good fun-having a laugh, really having a good time.

Football hooligans? Well, there are 92 club chairmen for a start.

Y'know, there's nothin' like tearing up a good club now and then.

At some clubs success is accidental. At Arsenal it is compulsory.

My freshman year of high school I joined the chess and math clubs.

Room service is great if you want to pay $500 for a club sandwich.

Ron Atkinson was a firefighter. He came in and he stabled the club

There are so many clubs that have shown an interest in my services.

Always the Premier League has several clubs fighting for the title.

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