Each of my clubs made an impression on me, but Arsenal was special.

I guess there seems to be clubs opening up again, which is strange.

I've been in big clubs, but I want to achieve titles with Valencia.

Managers and players at different clubs, it's difficult to compare.

The Premier club in the Premier League - that is Manchester United!

These two clubs had a monopoly of the domestic honours last season.

I love outdoor places in the evenings; I don't like box-like clubs.

A lot of clubs have lost the perspective of what is a football club.

Swinging harder with a longer club almost always leads to bad shots.

In bridge clubs and in councils of state, the passions are the same.

Club: An assembly of good fellows, meeting under certain conditions.

There are not many better clubs to play football for than Liverpool.

It's incredible to watch how our cricket clubs depend on volunteers.

I coached five clubs in South Africa and I was successful with them.

The world, as a rule, does not live on beaches and in country clubs.

Faith, the least exclusive club on Earth, has the craftiest doorman.

I know club music has to be infectious and it's got to make you move.

How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?

I was captain of Wales; I've been captain of numerous football clubs.

I used to not be as good at taking time off and hanging the clubs up.

So I went into jazz and performed in jazz clubs all over the country.

London is a city of clubs and private houses. You have to be a member.

I have the endorsement of the Sierra Club, and I'm very proud of that.

I used to sing in jazz clubs with a friend until she went another way.

Almost every venerable tradition at a men's club starts out as a joke.

I don't really go to clubs so I don't know what sounds are made there.

Every time we play our music in clubs, there's such a strong reaction.

But I did a lot of boxing and I was captain of an Australian surf club.

Rich clubs, where money doesn't matter... such clubs don't interest me.

Isn't that interesting. All the book clubs. I've never belonged to one.

I won't be active in the day-to-day operations of the ball club at all.

Trouble seems to follow me around, waiting to club me with a tire iron.

Our marriage works because we each carry clubs of equal weight and size.

To be respected as an actor it doesn't help to be seen out in the clubs.

I'm not much of a club goer because every time I do go I get in trouble.

When I go to the garage to pick up my clubs, I clean the spider webs off.

There have always been card schools at football clubs and always will be.

I thought about starting a novella club because it seemed less ambitious.

I still don't know precisely why The Mickey Mouse Club ended when it did.

How I've fed my kids over the years is by doing stand-up comedy in clubs.

For the clubs that I've played for I always tried to fulfill my contract.

What is good with the English clubs is that they respect the old players.

I don't want to go to Portsmouth or any other club that has no ambitions.

The law should be a shield for the weak and powerless, not a club for the

I don’t think I was born to be in the club. Just to throw that out there.

It wasn't often you ran into bondage/Elvis/whorehouse-themed vampire club

Chelsea are known as one of the biggest and most successful clubs around.

If I go to a match it doesn't mean I want to buy the stadium or the club.

If you own a football club, you have to be really involved and committed.

Go to the club or go to the block or go hang out and things start coming.

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