Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your ...

Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.

Surprises can be compelling.

Love is a very compelling argument.

I believe in the compelling power of love.

Reason gains all people by compelling none.

Sarah Palin is a compelling political figure.

To portray a maniac offers a compelling challenge.

If you make compelling television, they will come.

I want to be funny and interesting and compelling.

Doing life consciously was a compelling notion to me.

What I've learned is the power of a compelling vision.

I think video advertising is a hugely compelling medium.

Loneliness is the most compelling force in the universe.

I remain convinced of the compelling case for connected care.

The purer our message, the more compelling it is to consumers.

If the characters are compelling, readers will follow anywhere.

The villain of any story is often the most compelling character.

Denice Franke is a sensitive and compelling singer and songwriter.

As a writer, my only responsibility is to tell a compelling story.

For me, few things are more compelling than watching a great opera.

Everyone needs some kind of compelling drama in their life, basically.

Safety and health of water is clearly a compelling government interest.

I feel it's part of my job to make the problems of the poor compelling.

It took me many years to figure out how to structure a compelling story.

People have given their lives to this industry to make movies compelling.

If it doesn't come through the Internet, it's not really compelling to me.

Some people's personalities are so compelling that they command attention.

You can watch any episode you want and have a compelling story being told.

Beyond 'Contact,' I think there's something compelling about 'District 9.'

A compelling story requires conflict, friction, an obstacle to be overcome.

Controlling others—winning—is more compelling than anything (or anyone) else.

You need to be a good filmmaker to make a compelling two-minute film as well.

I think the mystery of what's out there in the universe is just very compelling.

My experience is that an original and compelling idea for a novel is a rare thing.

The story of getting better can be just as compelling as the story of falling apart.

Alex Gross is an L.A. artist who has become a friend. His work is really compelling.

With a very small team you can create compelling content and reach a large audience.

People will buy hardware just to buy a single game if the game is really compelling.

Real politics is messy and morally ambiguous and doesn't make for a compelling thriller.

Nintendo Switch is a home console you can play anywhere, with anyone. Clear. Compelling.

Even now I try to make each page compelling for the readers to get absorbed in the book.

Delivering compelling premium experiences across screens is core to our mission at Yahoo.

The literary trappings and moralizing of science fiction I find insufficiently compelling.

Everything is more compelling when you talk like a human being, when you talk like yourself.

I've been on national TV since 1994, and I can communicate in a compelling and decisive way.

If the story's interesting and it's a compelling script, I'd be thrilled to be a part of it.

Growth is not the end-all-goal of politics, but it is one of the most compelling deliverables.

I truly believe that Yahoo! is one of the most compelling and dominant companies in the world.

It would be hard to find a more compelling example of the American dream than Alberto Gonzales.

I love discovering compelling new ideas and doing what I can to help spread the word about them.

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