I'm against corporate welfare.

I don't do any corporate work.

Everybody has a corporate structure.

I would love to be a corporate leader.

I want to get rid of corporate welfare.

Led Zeppelin wasn't a corporate entity.

The fascist state is the corporate state.

Corporate money is controlling everything.

I wanted to work in corporate restaurants.

I don't like corporate diversity workshops.

You just have to believe in a corporate pulse.

Corporate newspeak leads to corporate nothink.

You know, I never fight for corporate America.

I'm not interested in corporate magic or fame.

Washington DC is corporate-occupied territory.

I don't get emails from my corporate overlords.

Sitting on a corporate board is a hobby for me.

I'm a corporate thug. That's the best way to be.

Corporate welfare isn't necessarily a bad thing.

America is incredibly professional and corporate.

I'm a cynic about corporate democracy and boards.

Cameraphones will be rejected by corporate users.

I will not take corporate money. I don't want it.

Beware of the corporate invasion of private memory.

Like all fads, corporate governance has its zealots.

The live concert industry has become corporate-ized.

I wanted corporate experience before I joined films.

Consumers recognize, and don't like, corporate lying.

I think culture is a big word for corporate character.

Taking on corporate greed is an environmental concern.

I won't be making any friends in the corporate suites.

I don't think we should reduce the corporate tax rate.

Corporate tweets are like one robot talking to another.

Challege the underlying concepts of corporate personhood.

Basic human needs like food cannot be corporate questions.

Big money and corporate interest drown out a lot of voices.

The Tea Party ended up being a shill for corporate America.

We need to be focused in corporate America on the long term.

Understanding place is critical to achieving corporate growth.

I spend more time in suits than anyone in the corporate world.

I was working a corporate job, but I really wanted to do music.

I just had it with the corporate money, money, money label thing.

I think we're pretty much where we need to be on corporate taxes.

We want to cut the corporate taxes, which will bring back growth.

There is power in corporate fasting and power in corporate praise.

People are everything in education, just as in the corporate world.

The Democratic Party needs to take a stand against corporate greed.

I feel like there's the people's music, and there's corporate music.

Elite fundamentalism has always been on the corporate side of things.

To be competitive globally, we have to reduce the corporate tax rate.

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