Riches cover a multitude of woes.

A pure hand needs no glove to cover it.

The cover of Mojo, that was good for us.

It's my sick fantasy to be a Cosmo cover.

It's every girl's dream to be a cover girl!

The only way to cover up a lie? Keep lying.

I wanted to be on the cover of Life magazine.

I have sun damage. I cover it up with make-up.

In high school, I played in a Rush cover band.

Why do they cover Paul's songs but never mine?

Without saying word to anybody, cover thy face.

You cannot cover a ruin with a page of 'Pravda.'

I wanna cover more ground, get a bigger fan base.

I've never graced the cover of a fashion magazine.

I've covered Israel just as I cover other politics.

Everybody would like to be on the cover of 'Vogue.'

I love cover songs, but I always mess up the words!

I don't have an album cover with me on a broomstick.

I cover media people the way they cover politicians.

I like to wear sleeves because they cover up my arms.

I've been on the cover of every magazine in the world.

I'll admit - I was honored to be on the cover of Time.

My very first magazine cover was the National Enquirer.

All of us have ways in which we mask and cover our pain.

I don't think there are any new media I'd like to cover.

I don't cover my face because I want to show my identity.

I've heard that Bon Iver liked my cover of 'Skinny Love.'

I want to be on the cover of 'GQ.' That's a personal goal.

It's nice to get a response from the artists that I cover.

And, believe me; they will do everything to cover this up.

I like to cover news when it happens, not five years later.

I believe the Bible is the word of God from cover to cover.

I just waited tables three nights a week to cover the bases.

I don't cover golf tournaments anymore - I preside over them.

My whole outlook on life is, never judge a book by its cover.

I've read the Bible before, a couple of times cover to cover.

I've learned that you really cannot judge a book by its cover.

I wouldn't want a tattoo at all. They're difficult to cover up.

When I'm scared, my natural state is to hide and run for cover.

I would like just one time to be on the cover of Italian Vogue.

My dream was always to be on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated.'

For me as a songwriter, I love when other people cover my songs.

General McChrystal wanted to be on the cover of 'Rolling Stone.'

You don't judge a book by a cover. I'm not your typical rap look.

In Thailand, K-pop is really big, with all the cover dance groups.

When I put on my Marine cover, I'm a Marine, and I act accordingly.

You can't cover people with perceptions because we are all different.

I like to blur the line between remix and cover version and new song.

I never thought my face would be on the cover of a Red Bull Six Pack.

My job is to cover the news and do it accurately and fair. And we do.

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