I never dated much.

I've always dated hunks.

Everyone I dated was gay.

I've dated bad girls in my time.

I've never dated a Jewish woman.

My dad dated a lot of supermodels.

I've dated jerks, so why not geeks?

I've dated a number of 'mama's boys.'

Before I got married, I dated the gamut.

I have never knowingly dated a Republican.

Aartis and spiritual songs never get dated.

I never dated much in high school or college.

I dated the same girl all through high school.

They say women and music should never be dated.

I once dated a weather girl, we talked up a storm.

If I only dated actresses, I'd be a very lonely man.

I've never dated; I've always been in relationships.

Growing up in Canada, I dated a few ice hockey players.

I'm bisexual. And so, you know, I've dated men and women.

I am a modern day girl, and of course I have dated many guys.

Have I dated a supermodel? Of course not. I'd look ridiculous.

I guess I've dated smart guys, I've dated dumb guys, hot guys.

I drove an orange Camaro and dated a cheerleader. Life was good.

I've never really dated actresses except when I was really young.

I've only had one serious boyfriend, but we dated for three years.

I felt like people only knew me as a singer who dated pretty girls.

I've dated men. I've dated women. I don't know why anyone would care.

If music sounds dated, it means it wasn't very good in the first place.

A lot of the men I've dated have been incapable of even basic kindness.

I dated dozens of young men, had fun with all, made commitments to none.

I had never really dated. I've always been a relationship kind of person.

I've only been in long-term relationships. I've never really dated myself.

Whoopie doo guys, yes, I've dated girls and I've dated boys - get over it.

I perpetuate rumors that I've dated people that I've never actually dated.

If you lined up everyone I've ever dated, you wouldn't see any similarities.

I was a groupie for a year and followed a band. I dated the drummer of the band.

Mrs. Robinson is a little dated now, but it has nothing to do with Joe DiMaggio.

I've dated a lot in my life, and I've dated every kind of person you can imagine.

I have dated all races, and I believe you should be free to do whatever you want.

The first boy that I had a crush on and dated was Cole Sprouse... from 'Suite Life.'

I know it's a cliche, but trust me on this. I once dated a Canadian. Canada = boring.

Luckily, I dated all of the losers ages ago. My love life has been stable for a while.

I dated all the wrong men. I thought I could feel appreciated in my body through guys.

My brother and I have both dated a wide range of girls and not all of them have been posh.

I once dated someone who worked at McDonald's. She came up and asked if I wanted a Big Mac.

I dated a guy who played bad guys in movies all the time, and I think he was just a bad guy.

Every girl I've ever dated I have respect for, and I always try to leave them in good terms.

I've dated many women at the same time. But I told them. I didn't keep any secrets from them.

I don't like the idea of separating life and work. That notion seems dated and a bit alien to me.

I have dated an actor or two. I've tried not to, but then, I don't want to be racist against actors.

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