Fine music without devotion is but a splendid garment upon a corpse.

I should never deem a man of ordinary caliber worthy of my devotion.

True love is like religion. It is full of devotion and free of doubt.

The shortening of devotions starves the soul, it grows lean and faint

Devotion is a disease. And you catch it from those people who have it.

The life of a devotee is a crusade of which the heart is the Holy Land.

From silly devotions and from sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us.

few things are more rewarding than a child's open uncalculating devotion.

Maybe I was afraid to trust him with something so personal as my devotion.

A pause while my mother made high-pitched sisterly devotions of gratitude.

Nothing will carry you through hardship like a sincere devotion to Christ.

If evils increase, the devotion of the People of God should also increase.

Creating music is a wonderful way to celebrate our devotion for Lord Shiva.

With devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself.

Are We Going to die in our religion or are we going to die in our devotion?

I love horror, fantasy and sci-fi. Those are my genres of love and devotion.

Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand alone.

With every breath, I plant the seeds of devotion, I am a farmer of the heart.

Service is the overflow which pours from a life filled with love and devotion.

The most Superior amongst the colors in the universe is the color of Devotion.

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.

I think the level of devotion some sci-fi fans display turns other people off.

One single day of devotion is worth more than a thousand years of worldly life.

"The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it."

Love of Mary and devotion to her are a sure sign of obtaining eternal salvation.

Let us have no further blind devotion to the communist dominated United Nations!

I don't know if you realize it or not, but your sudden devotion to her is creepy.

There is no greater threat to our devotion to Christ than our service for Christ.

Nothing is worthy of man as man unless he can pursue it with passionate devotion.

For me, one of the pleasures of cats company is their devotion to bodily comfort.

Love grows from stable relationships, shared experience, loyalty, devotion, trust.

It requires more than a day's devotion to know and to possess the wealth of a day.

Men who refuse to worship the true God now worship themselves with tender devotion.

One grain of incense with devotion offer'd 'S beyond all perfumes of Sabaean spices.

I'm a very hard-line, angry atheist. Yet I am fascinated by the concept of devotion.

I'll be honest. After I got married, I definitely had a shift in emotional devotion.

The full ashtanga system practiced with devotion leads to freedom within one's heart.

My weight fluctuates depending on my mood and my current devotion to my fitness routine.

Complaint is the largest tribute heaven receives and the sincerest part of our devotion.

In Jewish tradition, death-defying devotion to scholarship was the stuff of saintliness.

Much of my life has been a devotion to a simple expression: you can Lead Without a Title.

God first seeks devotion to Him in the hidden place–worship when no one else is watching.

We are so humbled and grateful to Google for their devotion to our teachers and students.

Let's worship Divinity, but understand the divinity we worship is beyond our comprehension.

I think mainly my devotion to horror comes from international horror movies and literature.

If you are weary of some sleepy form of devotion, probably God is as weary of it as you are.

Devotion is a certain act of the will by which man gives himself promptly to divine service.

The main measure of your devotion to God is not your devotional life. It is simply your life.

Your devotion to God is illustrated, demonstrated, and authenticated by your love for others.

To feel, to love, to suffer, to devote herself, will always be the text of the life of woman.

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