I say no to doubt and yes to life!

When in doubt, make a red painting.

When we are not sure, we are alive.

When in doubt, resort to animation.

When in doubt, use nutrition first.

I am sometimes more doubt than man.

Despair is the conclusion of fools.

Only an idiot would doubt my return

Doubt is the accomplice of tyranny.

Doubt is the enemy of creativeness.

When in doubt, try nutrition first.

When in doubt, go for the dick joke.

Doubt is really a groping ignorance.

Never believe what you cannot doubt.

Doubt can only be removed by action.

When in doubt, blame the dark elves.

I'm often wrong, but never in doubt.

Fear and doubt are major stampeders.

Nurture doubt as a creative strategy.

Once doubt begins it spreads rapidly.

I deny nothing, but doubt everything.

Maybe life is random, but I doubt it.

He that knows nothing doubts nothing.

My belief is stronger than your doubt.

Doubt is but another element of faith.

Doubt everything. Find your own light.

Bein logical gave me a reason to doubt

Elvis was the king. No doubt about it.

It is easier to believe than to doubt.

I don't listen to people who doubt me.

In doubt if an action is just, abstain.

Buddhism is not a creed, it is a doubt.

The road to perseverance lies by doubt.

Human knowledge is the parent of doubt.

If you have no doubt, you are not sane.

Feed your faith and starve your doubts.

I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt.

When in doubt, do the courageous thing.

To believe is human to doubt is divine.

I'm a competitor. I never doubt myself.

Doubt is often the beginning of wisdom.

When in doubt, tell yourself the truth.

To dream is to starve doubt, feed hope.

Doubt whom you will, but never yourself.

My father said, ‘When in doubt, castle.’

Doubters don't win, winners don't doubt.

In doubt, fear is the worst of prophets.

That [Exodus] occurred, I have no doubt.

Doubt makes us reaffirm what we believe.

I doubt Dereck Chisora can knock me out.

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