The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for ...

The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

Retiring is the easy way out.

There's no easy way to be free.

I'll never take the easy way out.

God doesn't believe in the easy way.

The easy way out is to increase taxes.

Competition is an easy way to get into flow.

Twitter is a very easy way to keep in touch.

Those who seek the easy way do not seek the true way.

An easy way to get people to like you is to make them laugh.

We as Republicans have taken the easy way out a lot of times.

Being a professional writer is not an easy way to make a living.

The easy way to make your texts sexier? Lose the question marks.

The habit of religion is oppressive, an easy way out of thought.

I've got no respect for anyone who tries to take the easy way out.

A win is a win, whether you do it the difficult way or the easy way.

Be more ambitious. Do your homework. There's no easy way around this.

I never wanted to take the easy way, and I was always willing to hustle.

The high road and positivity is never the easy way but always the best way.

Smut, if it's really smut, there's nothing backing it up. It's the easy way out.

We women want to take the easy way out. I appreciate men because they take risks.

Any opportunity to adorn oneself is human, and accessories are an easy way to do it.

When I go home, its an easy way to be grounded. You learn to realize what truly matters.

Having egregious divorces - where you just hate each other - is really the easy way out.

That's the mark of a man, just keeping your head up, right? Not taking the easy way out.

To pay more is the easy way. In fact, the solution possibilities to the problem are many.

Of course I work hard. Why shouldn't I? Who am I to think I should get things the easy way?

An easy way to find your own style is to exaggerate yourself a bit and then find a balance.

I'm a guy that's all about not trying to take the easy way out or get out of things too early.

I think putting labels on people is just an easy way of marketing something you don't understand.

I love window dressings. They're a quick and easy way to make a room look more inviting and cozy.

Wear a belt! It's an easy way to pull together your outfit. Just be sure to match it to your shoes.

It's quite an easy way to write a concept album about love. Everything boils down to love in the end.

There is no quick easy way to the body you want... commit yourself now to your workout and get started.

Sometimes I feel that old desire. Then my body tells me it is 50 years old. I take the easy way instead.

Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it.

When things aren't working out for people, the end of the world seems like an easy way to wipe the slate clean.

You don't get there the easy way. If you feel sorry for yourself, and you let yourself go down, you will drown.

I find it an easy way into writing pieces is to think what the character's voice is like, and start from there.

Every time you step out on that field, it's tough. There is no easy way to approach it and no short cuts out there.

Scatter soaked hardwood chunks over your coals for a quick and easy way to add a smoky nuance to your grilled foods.

Here in L.A., people really open their houses in an easy way, nothing too complicated. You can go in your flip-flops.

People would love to be rich, but they're looking for the easy way. Who wouldn't want to win the lottery? Just to score.

As women, we tend to take the easy way out in showbiz. I have done movies where all I did was look pretty in every frame.

Investing in rail is an easy way to reduce congestion, cost, and energy consumption and make our producers more competitive.

All we think about is how to keep the audience engaged, and normally we're big on plot because that's the easy way to do it.

Heels, and shoes in general, are such an easy way to complete any outfit and give it that little bit of flare or edge you want.

Filmmakers who use narrators pay a price for taking the easy way: narrated films date far more quickly than films without narrators.

Lots of people ask me for advice as if I somehow have found some easy way to create a solution to a problem, and there's no such thing.

To be violent is the ultimate laziness. War always seems a great effort, but it is the easy way. And false non-violence is also an idol.

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