There's life and death in every email.

I almost don't know how to write an email.

Amen' is like the Send button on an email.

If I ran the Web, you could email dead people.

I don't get emails from my corporate overlords.

I'm a complete technophobe. I can't even email.

I can't fax you my love, I can't email my heart.

if it's not in my email archive, I don't know it

The email of the species is deadlier than the mail.

Nothing good comes of reading other people's emails.

No one ever got rich checking their email more often.

When my parents send me emails the first 3 are blank.

Emails get reactions. Phone calls start conversations.

I'm hooked on email. That's right, kids, I'm one of you.

In the case of Tori Spelling, there were two apology emails.

An email address is like a customer's "digital fingerprint".

Facebook Fan Pages are email newsletters with smaller pictures.

Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.

Men won't read any email from a woman that's over 200 words long.

In the time honored tradition of email, just ignore the question.

Million dollar deals in my email, you mad as hell you ain't CC'ed

I am very bad at computers. I don't really know how to write email.

At present I answer about 100 letters a month, and read 300 emails.

I'd rather send out a mass email then hang posters all over the place

I provided all my emails that could possibly be work related [to FBI].

Some of you expressed surprise that I showed up-so many emails to read!

If you LIKE your email provider, you can KEEP your email provider. Period.

I think anybody who uses email in the center of our life needs encryption.

I try to avoid Twitter. I occasionally can't resist the siren call of email.

Email is not going to disappear. Possibly ever. Until the robots kill us all.

If someone doesn't answer your email within six hours, it means they hate you.

Instead of reading vows at the wedding ceremony, they read hacked Sony emails.

Whatever I write in email, it doesn't mean anything. It is just words I write.

I've never sent an email to anybody. I believe in keeping the postman in work.

You can spend hours editing an email but send it as if you wrote it in a minute.

When I get up, the first thing I do is open up Gmail and check my personal email.

Email is 20-30 times more effective in generating a purchase than any other tool.

I did not email any classified material to anyone. There is no classified material.

The bulk of the emails tend to come after a column. I can get about 2,000 after a column.

I assume everything I'm saying in an email or saying on the telephone is being looked at.

I don't do Twitter, Facebook; none of that. My email I do from my Blackberry or my iPhone.

I'm pretty sure people are going to start writing letters again once the email fad passes.

Everyone I know feels harassed by email which has invaded their waking and sleeping hours.

My humble request to journalists - It only takes one phone call or an email to check facts.

I don't know, maybe she [Hillary Clinton] short-circuited when she wiped out 35,000 emails.

Every two months, I would get an email, 'Skeleton Twins update: still don't have the money!'

Hillary has now erased all of her emails, and she also had all of her pantsuits dry cleaned.

This Hillary Clinton scandal has to do with emails. All I get are emails for Canadian Viagra.

Just send the emails and talk to people. Spend all your money on nail polish and opera tickets.

On email and the first instance of spam: This is not for advertising! This is for serious work!

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