I'm just always grateful when I meet fans.

I'm the number-one fan of gangster movies.

I'm a big fan of bringing the outdoors in!

Fans will come if you have a good product.

I think all girls are Shah Rukh Khan fans.

There are no big groupie fans or anything.

I am a fan of a bright sock. They're bold.

I'm a big fan of Paco Rabanne's 1 Million.

I'm a fan of Talking Heads going way back.

I answer a fan with a hearing heart first.

I'm super-fortunate to have any fans still.

I'm a huge horror movie fan. Beyond belief.

Baltimore is my heart. The fans are family.

The biggest family in the world is my fans.

Our fans are the best. They are motivation.

If I weren't in the band, I would be a fan.

I'm a fan of music from all over the world.

I am a ceiling fan, especially during rain.

I'm not really a fan of organized religion.

The Japanese fans always send weird things.

I'm definitely a fan of public humiliation.

Without the fans, there is no Roman Reigns.

I love my fans because they're smart, dude.

I think the true rock fans are pretty loyal.

I absolutely love talking to all of my fans.

I'm in my 80s and not a keen television fan.

You are cold, while you yourself fan flames.

I'm a huge comic book fan - me and the kids.

Love your haters - they're your biggest fans

Talk radio has almost ruined the sports fan.

My fans love me for me, my beats, my rhymes.

A rabid sports fan is one that boos a TV set

I was a huge comic book fan, and I still am.

I was always a fan of horror films as a kid.

I don't know how to interact with fans, man.

I've always been a fan of Justin Timberlake.

I'm a huge boxing and mixed martial arts fan.

Country fans are the most loyal in the world.

If you want fans, you have to be a fan first.

I am a huge fan of the transgender community.

I think I'm a music fan before anything else.

Twilight''s got some avid - and rabid - fans.

It's no secret that I'm my dad's biggest fan.

I'd always been a great fan of George Orwell.

Fans don't even know what they want at times.

I'm a huge fan of women; I think we're great.

Fans be reflecting the way I be making music.

My goal is to make everyone and anyone a fan.

The fans know that I don't give at-bats away.

I'm really not worried about what fans think.

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