The best part is the fans loving you. And the free clothes.

I have male fans, but I'm persuading them to become female!

I found that the loudest fans in the world are in Istanbul.

There's nothing wrong with trying to reach out to new fans.

Interacting with fans has become one of my favorite things.

I learned a lot about handling fans from established stars.

If you're an MTV fan, you like all the stuff that's on MTV.

Our audience isn't One Direction, Katy Perry, Rihanna fans.

It's a really special night for our fans. It's vindication.

I'm a massive fan of Sunshine. Oh my God, I love that film.

There's only one person gets you sacked and that's the fans

Thank you Madonna and fans for an experience of a lifetime!

My fans are my lovers, my friends, my family, my Everything

I love the fans and I appreciate how much they care for me.

I've been asked too many times to write a book by the fans.

The thing about the wacky fans is that they're really sweet.

You know what a fan letter is - it's just an inky raspberry.

I am a fan of sequels even though they are inevitably awful.

I'm just trying to make a good record that my fans will dig.

Fans always ask me to marry them so I'll have a lot of wives

I love shows. I love being with fans. It keeps you inspired.

Oh yeah, I'm a huge romance fan. And some women like action.

I'm also a fan of ridiculously coloured and patterned socks.

You pick up some fans and a handful of haters along the way.

I truly believe I have the most wonderful fans in the world.

We're big fans of the idea that faith without works is dead.

As far as my journal, I want to share tour life with my fans

Milan is beautiful, and the Interista fans are even more so.

The fans and supporters are also part of the Olympic family.

I don't read that many novels, I'm more of a nonfiction fan.

I love my fans! My job would not be what it is without them.

My fans are activists they will fight with you to defend me.

Ninety percent of the people who come to see me are my fans.

I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not...

I like Harvey Keitel. I liked him in Mean Streets. Im a fan.

Both iCarly and Victorious fans are so hardcore and intense.

The odds were against us, but we deserve to be where we are.

I'm not a big fan of remakes. I never wanted to do a remake.

My music and my fan base is really built off of my lifestyle.

At the end of the day it's the fans who make you who you are.

I have long been a fan and enthusiast where art is concerned.

It feels good to give your fans something to feel good about.

Trust me, I play the game for the fans, my family and myself.

Ranger fans are the rudest and they're proud of it, I'm sure.

I'm not a big fan of the comics competing against each other.

I think what makes a good show is obviously a rabid fan base.

I've been around longer than most of my fans have been alive.

As a major country music fan, the CMA awards are my favorite!

I'm not the rapper that's too cool to tweet and talk to fans.

I'm more of a fan of combat games than first-person shooters.

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