My fans do deserve to see me back out on the road.

I love the truth. It's the facts I'm not a fan of.

So my dad raised me, and he's a huge football fan.

My Conga people [fans] will find me anywhere I go.

I'm a great fan of taking my laptop out and about.

Partly because I get such astonishingly nice fans.

Prince Kai! Check my fan, I think I'm overheating.

Music, art, theater. I'm just a big fan of beauty.

I'm a huge fan of Big L. He is my favorite rapper.

I'm a huge historical fiction and non-fiction fan.

What a few fans are trying to do is cause trouble.

With Godzilla, I've been a huge fan my whole life.

I'm a massive fan of David Lynch and 'Twin Peaks.'

I'm a former Red Sox fan, now fully rehabilitated.

I'm a huge, huge sports fan. A massive sports fan.

I'm not someone who is a fan of a lot of violence.

Nebraska sets the standard for how fans should act.

Fans aren't just fans... they're part of my family.

You play for the team, you don't play for the fans.

For me, I'm a fan of really dark, depressing stuff.

I was a huge fan of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.

Every time I do a gig, my goal is getting new fans.

Spurs fans are feeling very boyish about the future

Poetry is a fireplace in summer or a fan in winter.

Preseason is just a way to screw fans out of money.

I love to see a dedicated, loyal and a polite fans!

I don't want to treat my fans like they are stupid.

I get to know my regular fans, and they inspire me.

I'm a fan of Jay-Z, I'mma always be a fan of Jay-Z.

As a fan of Kanye West, working with him is insane.

Well, you know, we all grew up as 'Star Wars' fans.

I grew up a Saints fan, an hour from the Superdome.

We have always had great and loyal fans in Oakland.

No one interacts with their fans like I do. No one.

I'm a huge fan of anything touched by the Neptunes.

I dont take my fans love and dedication for granted.

I keep the bad-boy image just to make my fans happy.

Im not a big fan of patterns. I like the unexpected.

If it gets any hotter in here I could use a big fan.

When that hit the fan ... it was like an earthquake.

I seem to have very polite fans, not fanatical ones.

Jonas Brothers fans are a force to be reckoned with.

Don't worry, the fans don't start booing until July.

I'm a closet Backstreet Boys fan. They're very sweet

I am a big soccer fan, and a very big Liverpool fan.

I am a fan of 'SNL' and a big Jimmy Fallon fan, too.

I like to watch our fans' reactions when we perform.

Don't mess with our fans or we'll come and find you.

I was such a big Dustin Hoffman fan when I was young.

I was a sports fan, but I also went to peace marches.

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