I don't like listening to music. I'm not a music fan.

I was a Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan fan growing up.

I have always been a fan of reality by majority vote.

The American fans would love to see me fight anybody.

Any real Bob Dylan fan would sleep with Jonah Lehrer.

If my fans want to call me a love God, then so be it!

He looked like a Yanni fan at an Iron Maiden Concert.

I do not see why man should not be as cruel as nature

I'm a huge fur fan; it's no secret to anyone anymore.

I’m a nerdy, geeky fan of Labyrinth and Dark Crystal.

Im more a fan of my fans than I think they are of me!

My fans are a huge superpower for me and my survival.

I didn't play much ball. I wasn't much of a ball fan.

I grew up in Chicago, so I've always been a Bears fan.

I'm a big fan of CNN. I watched it from the beginning.

Fans say I have a lot of sorrow in my eyes. It's true.

My fans are like no other. Completely original people.

I like African music, and I'm a huge Ravi Shankar fan.

Harrison is genuinely unsure if he still has any fans.

An unashamedly indecent read. Welsh fans will love it.

I'm a huge fan of things like The Wire and The Shield.

I'm still a 'Star Trek' fan. You never stop being one.

We were big Saturday Night Live and Eddie Murphy fans.

I'm not a big fan of people knowing too much about me.

Paramore fans are the best fans. Wanna fight about it?

I'm not gonna date anyone since i'm married to my fans

I'm a huge fan of Akira Kurosawa, a big Hitchcock fan.

I like the Kardashians. I'm a fan. I watch their show.

As a big music fan, England is an amazing place to go.

I have a very deep and wide relationship with my fans.

I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I lost my Darth Vader watch.

I think of fans like a barbershop. I want that debate.

Behind every great amusement park is a great fan site.

I never try to avoid 'Ugly Betty' fans, as I love them.

It is love of my fan's that always makes me stand firm.

I'm a fan of the European style, naturalistic thriller.

All our fans are always very loud, especially Scousers.

I'd date a fan as long as she didn't scream in my face.

I was a baseball fan myself, I wanted to play baseball.

NASCAR fans are very knowledgeable and very passionate.

I'm not a fan of capris. They actually shorten my legs.

Celtic fans are some of the greatest supporters I know.

The best thing about being on tour is meeting the fans.

They can be totally insane, but fans are our lifeblood.

I am overwhelmed by the love showered on me by my fans.

Unless you're God, you are never too "big" to be a fan.

Who's not a fan of Don Williams? He's the gentle giant.

I love connecting with the fans. I love being on stage.

If fans are discouraged, find another team to root for.

I don't like Thomas Edison. I'm a fan of Nicolai Tesla.

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