My mother was my greatest fan.

I'm a huge Kevin Youkilis fan.

I'm not a huge fan of my work.

I've always been a fan of rap.

I'm not a big fan of mediocre.

Drinks, fans and snow - heaven

Weirdly, I'm not a horror fan.

I have very heartwarming fans.

My fans are all my girlfriends

I am such a big fan of Batman.

Lady Gaga's fans are the worst.

Who isn't a fan of Ray Charles?

You know, I'm a big comedy fan.

Well, I'm not a big sports fan.

I love BET and I love the fans.

All my fans are my girlfriends.

I'm not a big raised stage fan.

I'm not a big slasher film fan.

I'm a fan of good horror movies.

I was a great fan of Jim Henson.

I care about what the fans feel.

I was a big Fred Flintstone fan.

I'm a fan of great storytelling.

I always approach film as a fan.

I am a huge fan of 'Doctor Who.'

I'm not a big fan of rehearsing.

I'm a big fan of Samantha Bee's.

I grew up a diehard Yankees fan.

The fans are dying. We're dying.

I grew up a massive Beatles fan.

I'm an everything Baltimore fan.

The fans make the person a star.

I`m a big fan of Donald Trump`s.

Sometimes the fans are too nice.

I'm a huge electronic-music fan.

I'm a big sports fan in general.

I'm always appreciative of fans.

I'm still a massive fan of shoes.

I'm not a fan of baseball really.

I'm a huge fan of classic sci-fi.

I enjoy interacting with my fans.

I'm a huge fan of Eighties music.

I started my career without fans.

Football without fans is nothing.

Football is nothing without fans.

I have fans all around the world.

I'm a huge fan of 'The Exorcist.'

The Miami Heat has the best fans.

I'm a big fan of George Carlin's.

Stella McCartney is [my] big fan.

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