I don't have a 'favorite' movie.

My favorite movie is 'Goodfellas.'

My favorite movie is 'House of Wax.'

'Punch-Drunk Love' is my favorite movie.

My favorite movie of all time is 'Rocky.'

My favorite movie ever is 'Bicycle Thieves.'

'Airplane' was my favorite movie growing up.

My all-time favorite movie is 'He Got Game.'

I loved 'The Jerk.' That was my favorite movie.

Harry Potter' is my favorite movie of all time.

My favorite movie is 'Closer' and 'Love Story.'

'Pulp Fiction' is my favorite movie of all time.

My favorite movie of all time is 'Home Alone 3.'

My father's favorite movie was 'The Dirty Dozen.'

Favorite movie lists are impossible for me to do.

My favorite movie would have to be 'Love Actually.'

A good romantic comedy is my favorite movie to watch.

Well, 'Titanic' is probably my second favorite movie.

'Freaky Friday' was my favorite movie in middle school.

My favorite movie is 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.'

My favorite movie of all time is probably 'Apocalypse Now.'

My favorite movie villain? Oh, that's easy. Hannibal Lecter.

I like dark humor. My favorite movie of all time is 'Harold and Maude.'

I think 'Badlands' is my favorite movie because it reminded me of where I was from.

'Raiders of the Lost Ark' is my favorite movie, and it's why I wanted to be an actor.

I really want to do a western film. It's one of my favorite movie genres of all time.

I can't summarize my favorite movie, Jacques Tati's 'Play Time.' You just have to see it.

I think my favorite movie I watched with my dad would be 'A Knight's Tale' with Heath Ledger.

For a while, my favorite movie was 'Vertigo.' Everything in that movie was captivating to me.

I'm Michael Jackson-obsessed. All I watch is 'Moonwalker' - it's my favorite movie of all time.

My favorite movie is 'Die Hard.' It doesn't have pinatas and mariachis. It's just a good movie.

My favorite movie is 'Imitation of Life.' It's just a true love story, and it really touched me.

My favorite movie of all-time is 'Stand By Me,' and I re-read my favorite young adult books often.

My favorite TV show ever is 'Boy Meets World,' and my favorite movie is 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off.'

I think my favorite movie is 'Joe Versus the Volcano' - or maybe 'Multiple Maniacs' by John Waters.

I've seen 'Silence of the Lambs,' like, fifty or sixty times. That's my favorite movie of all time.

I'm not a 'Steel Magnolias' kind of girl. I'm kind of like a guy. My favorite movie is 'Caddyshack.'

Favorite movie of all time? I hate being asked... that's like being asked, 'What's your favorite song?'

My favorite movie is 'Coach Carter' so I would definitely tell anyone who hasn't seen that to check that out.

'La Vie en Rose' is just about my favorite movie. Marion Cotillard, I'm so desperately obsessed with her work.

America puts killers on the cover of 'TIME' magazine, giving them as much notoriety as our favorite movie stars.

I have yet to meet a person whose favorite movie is 'Gigli', but I hope to meet them one day and give them a hug.

'Star Wars' is my favorite movie series ever. I like the old ones better than the new ones, but I like all of them.

When I was a kid, 'Blade Runner' was my favorite movie. I remember seeing that when I was a little boy with my dad.

I have this fascination with being on the road, all things music, and the '70s. My favorite movie is 'Almost Famous.'

'Castaway' is my favorite movie, and any time I read about a castaway or a story like that, it just interests me a lot.

My favorite movie is 'Dogfight' with River Phoenix and Lili Taylor. The ending is kind of bittersweet but so real and moving and complicated.

I don't know a single person that's like, ''Avatar' is my favorite movie.' It never even comes up. I don't know anyone that will defend that movie.

If I could just make Westerns for the rest of my life, that's all I would do. It's my favorite movie to make. There's something about being a cowboy.

My favorite movie of all time is 'The Silence of the Lambs.' I think Hannibal Lecter is the scariest movie monster ever because he's smarter than you are.

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