My idea of fast food is a mallard.

I don't eat fast food - and neither should you!

I don't want to be the Pied Piper of fast food.

My favorite kind of fast food is definitely Mexican.

I'm a healthy eater, but I don't consider Chick-fil-A fast food.

I did retail. I worked at TJ Maxx before. I did fast food at Shake Shack.

What I've been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets.

If you're out, and starving, and need a bite to eat, then you need fast food.

I really like unhealthy food, so I eat a lot of fast food. I also like Chinese.

If I'm going to eat fast food, I'm going to McDonald's. I don't need to pretend.

I'm not into fad diets; I'm not into depriving. I like fast food, and I like chocolate.

I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried food, and I eat tons of fruits and vegetables.

A lot of stuff, all the fast food, the cheap food, the dollar menu - I had to cut all that off.

They eat clean, they don't drink sodas, they don't have fast food. My kids eat like pro athletes.

I don't eat a lot of fast food and I stay stay away from fried foods. I don't eat much meat either.

If you only design menus that are essentially junk or fast food, the whole infrastructure supports junk.

I don't really eat a lot of fast food, ever, but if I had to eat at one fast food restaurant, it'd be In-N-Out.

I didn't eat at many restaurants when I was younger. There wasn't much in South Central anyways, except for fast food joints.

The truly powerful feed ideology to the masses like fast food while they dine on the most rarified delicacy of all: impunity.

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