If a rhinoceros were to enter this restaurant now, there is no ...

If a rhinoceros were to enter this restaurant now, there is no denying he would have great power here. But I should be the first to rise and assure him that he had no authority whatever.

I'm a restaurant junkie.

I love trying new restaurants.

Neighborhood restaurants matter.

I worked in a Chinese restaurant.

The restaurant industry is brutal.

I don't like eating in restaurants.

I like part-time jobs in restaurants.

Rarely do pens go dry in restaurants.

I absolutely love low-key restaurants.

I love restaurants from top to bottom.

I love restaurants, and I love cooking.

I don't go to restaurants, I go to tables.

I wanted to work in corporate restaurants.

My parents own a restaurant in Albuquerque.

What is Valentines? Is it a restaurant name?

Today's restaurant is theater on a grand scale.

Why do Greeks always open restaurants that fail?

Restaurants in Chicago are seldom disappointing.

Restaurants are minefields for the socially inept

Playing jazz in restaurants is too stereotypical.

I like to eat other people's food in restaurants.

I worked in restaurants the first half of my life.

I like to try different restaurants in every city.

New York restaurants are about selling atmospheres.

I worked in 40 restaurants over a five-year period.

As a movie star, you get good tables at restaurants.

I love new restaurants; I love trying out new foods.

You don't take food home from restaurants in Sweden.

Like all Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant!

I don't go to fancy Michelin-starred restaurants often.

All my life, I've had restaurants that were affordable.

You're not even in a restaurant, but... you got served!

I don't go to fast food restaurants anymore. That's out.

I was working in restaurants as a captain and as a waiter.

When I left restaurants, I had to learn to be a home cook.

If you have good food, people will come to your restaurant.

In a Pyongyang restaurant, don't ever ask for a doggie bag.

I love food, and I'm a chronic over-orderer at restaurants.

I come from a very big family, and I grew up in restaurants.

I opened a restaurant that had nothing but California wines.

Murals in restaurants are on a par with the food in museums.

I don't cook. I love to eat. I love to go to the restaurants.

The murals in restaurants are on par with the food in museums.

One of my favorites to order in fancy restaurants is escargot.

I worked as a breakfast cook in a lot of different restaurants.

London is the most important city in the world for restaurants.

Many a restaurant seems to employ more copy writers than cooks.

I own a couple of restaurants in places like Dubai and Sharjah.

Never eat at a Chinese restaurant named Mama Teresa's Trattoria.

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