The Bill of Rights is not an a la carte menu.

If you're not at the table, you're on the menu.

If it doesn't taste good it doesn't go on the menu.

If you don't have a seat at the table, you're on the menu.

I'm like an expensive menu... you can look but you can't afford!

The best meal at my restaurant is the whole right side of the menu.

Research is especially important when we're deciding on a new menu.

I think I was eight or nine when I had my first long-form tasting menu.

Grown men have been seen fleeing after reading the menu posted outside.

I don't like it when I go to a restaurant and I'm lectured from the menu.

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.

At restaurants, I always get a kids' menu and color or draw on the tablecloth.

I don't want to hear the specials. If they're so special, put 'em on the menu.

I'll order anything that has the word 'fig' or 'crusted' in the menu description.

In Spain, you can go into any tapas bar, and you'll see anchovies all over the menu.

I get a bit depressed if I walk into a restaurant and see shark-fin soup on the menu.

I'm like a menu at an expensive restaurant; you can look at me, but you can't afford me.

Is it OK to admit to being slightly obsessed with the TV programme 'Great British Menu?'

Metaphysics is a restaurant where they give you a thirty thousand page menu, and no food.

Read over your existing business plan like you read the menu at your favorite restaurant.

The essence of a thoughtful spring menu is bringing the table to life with flavorful color!

Flops are a part of life's menu and I've never been a girl to miss out on any of the courses.

I love Taco Bell. Whenever I go there, I could get anything on the menu and be totally happy.

Holding a menu at arm's length, peering at anything that required reading, made me feel so old.

A lot of stuff, all the fast food, the cheap food, the dollar menu - I had to cut all that off.

Back in the early days of international, everybody wanted to customize the menu for every place.

When I was in Turks & Caicos, a bug jumped out of my room service menu. That kind of freaked me out.

I don't want people to look at my menu and see just the ingredients. I want to take them on a journey.

As the daughter of immigrants, growing up in New York City, you are either at the table or on the menu.

Italian food is simple and healthy, and it's easier for a vegetarian to choose something from the menu.

I don't really seek out vegetarian spots... but mainly, I know how to work a menu no matter where I am.

For a menu to come together, you have to have sweetness, saltiness, crunchiness... it's all about balance.

When you do a menu at a restaurant, you have to be the engineer of that menu. It has to be a crowd-pleaser.

I love a themed occasion - it provides endless possibilities for the menu, decorations and drinks pairings.

I try to craft a menu that is very welcoming. I like to make vegetables and seafood, and I love to make pasta.

The great thing about McDonald's is that they have a lot of different things on the menu. I love their salads.

The harmony of the luncheon is achieved by a combination of the two main courses which are the focus of the menu.

I had this dream of starting a pizza business since college. I came up with the name, menu, and recipes back then.

Cooking at home is easier than cooking in the restaurant because you don't have to write a menu or try to please everybody.

In any city or town, you can find a good, rocking Italian place. The most unhealthy thing on the menu? I'll have two of those!

Restaurants stress the protein. People read menu items left to right, with the protein first. I read descriptions right to left.

I used to delight in eating the most exotic meat on the menu: I'd have the snails, camel, squid or anything else that was going.

In a city, it's very hard to do a restaurant, an avant-garde-cuisine restaurant, where each year you need to change the whole menu.

The only good place for a sage grouse to be listed is on the menu of a French bistro. It does not deserve federal protection, period.

As a chef and as a father, I am very upset by what's on the menu at most schools: chicken nuggets and tater tots and ketchup and pizza.

You'll know if you're a famous composer if 20 years from now your name appears on a pull-down menu in Band in a Box, alongside Hans Zimmer.

If you're hungry, you know that you want to eat. You don't know what's on the menu - perhaps it's not your favorite dish - but you will eat.

Sometimes in a restaurant you'll see a lady dressed very nice, she picks up a menu or something... a little fan is always a little bit nice.

The thing I really liked about the early 'God Of War' games was the idea that from the menu screen it felt like you went right into the game.

Fast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu.

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