I've had a great life.

I am living a great life.

I've got a great wife, a great life.

I have a great life and I'm super active.

A great life is to be able to ebb and flow.

I have lived a great life. I am very happy.

I've had a lovely life. I've had a great life.

I have a great life, and I can't really complain.

I have a great life. I'm the happiest guy in the world.

I'm having a great life, and I want to go on having one.

I have a wonderful husband, and we have had a great life.

Football players have a great life, but we're only human.

Cancer is cancer. I've got a great life if I can just stay alive.

It's been a huge blessing, being able to travel and have a great life.

I've been blessed. I've had a great life and am continuing to have one.

It's a great life being an actor, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

I've got a great life. It's a shame the work gets in the way of the golf, really.

Education is not solely about earning a great living. It means living a great life.

I was the typical 20-, 25-, 28-year-old going around, going, 'Life is great. Life is fine.'

I have no projects on the horizon. I don't feel frustrated. It's a great life lesson for me.

Today's a beautiful day, and yesterday was a beautiful day, so that means it's a great life.

I love the responsibility of being a Victoria's Secret spokesmodel. It's a great life skill.

I get e-mails from mothers asking me to call their daughters for a date. I have a great life.

I had a great life even before 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter' took off. I really enjoy teaching.

You deserve a great life. I want to see you become unreasonably happy. And you can. And you will.

I have twins that I didn't want to have the life that I had. I didn't have a great life growing up.

I don't live my life feeling bitter about anything. I've been so lucky. I've had such a great life.

If ever I'm in trouble I ring my mum. She knows me better than anyone and has great life experience.

Growing up, I had a ton of friends, and I had a great life, but people still made fun of me sometimes.

I'd be lying if I said the success means nothing to me. It does. I enjoy it and live a pretty great life.

My father always used to say that when you die, if you've got five real friends, then you've had a great life.

Homeschooling has given us some wonderful flexibility and some great life experiences, especially with our son.

When I win, I'm happy. When I lose, I'm also happy. I'm grateful for this life I have to live. It's a great life.

It was like pulling teeth trying to get me to L.A. I hated it for so long, but now I've got this great life here.

I just have a great life. I know great people. I've had great relationships - all different kinds of relationships.

I'm really happy with the way I am, and I've got a fantastic family and a great life, and I don't need anything else.

I certainly lead a different life from many people. I have a great life that I am thankful for, and I like travelling.

I've had a great life. It was exciting. I worked with the most interesting people, and I traveled all over the country.

Spending time with God through prayer and His Word is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose.

I've got a great life - my friends, my marriage, my career, my health - and I'm on 'Strictly,' and I'm learning to dance.

I worked with the world's greatest talents and then went home to the world's greatest woman. It was, and is, a great life.

This industry has been really good to me. It's been a great life. I'm not through yet. I'm ready when you are, Mr. DeMille.

I got a lot of great life lessons from the entertainment industry. The first was being able to feel comfortable taking risks.

I love being a writer. I have a great life. I get up in the morning and pad around in my dressing gown and listen to Radio 4.

Joining the service is a great thing. I think everybody should join the service. It is a great life and we do exciting things.

Everyone thinks footballers have a great life and drive great cars, but sometimes you have to pull the veil away and look behind.

If only my folks had beaten me, I could have gotten some material about my miserable childhood. But as it is, I've had a great life.

I've lived the American Dream and had a great life. Immigration and religion and racial tolerance are the foundation of this country.

I've got a great life that I really enjoy. But there is something chewing at me inside: that adrenaline rush from football, I miss that.

I could do no wrong in my mother's eyes from the day I was born. My fans bought her a very nice house in San Antonio, and she has a great life.

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