Great love leaves little doubt.

Great loves too must be endured.

Writing is a great love of mine.

I'm a great lover of human beings.

Game of Thrones is great. Love it.

The great love of my life is music.

'Game of Thrones' is great. Love it.

Perhaps a great love is never returned.

Love hard when there is love to be had.

My two great loves are music and horses.

Great lovers have made great sacrifices.

41, you look great. Love what you're doing.

Because of a great love, one is courageous.

I've always been a great lover of baseball.

Not everyone's life will be a great love story.

There can be no great love without exclusivity.

I had no great love for the trappings of power.

Life in abundance comes only through great love.

That is why most great love stories are tragedies.

Reading has always been the great love of my life.

Where there is great love, there are always wishes.

You do have great love within you at this very moment.

Small things done with great love will change the world.

One great love in a single lifetime was enough for anyone.

Great love, you believe, carries the seeds of great sorrow.

Selfish people are in a way terribly capable of great loves.

Great love affairs start with Champagne and end with tisane.

There are no great acts, only small acts done with great love

I don't want to date. But I do have dreams about a great love.

Great lovers realize that they are what they are in love with.

Democracy is the great love of the failures and cowards of life.

I think that you can love people without it being the great love.

I have never had a great love of the music business, I never have.

I wish to devote all my time / To noble thoughts about great Love.

Light love is desire of pleasure; great love is fear of being alone.

Where is this great love for rock and roll that existed for 50 or 60 years?

I still collect comics. I still have a great love and respect for the genre.

Her imagination is rich and vibrant. I have a great love and respect for Rita.

I conceived at least one great love in my life, of which I was always the object.

I think what motivates people is not great hate, but great love for other people.

... But he believed that every great love was in some measure a terrible mistake.

Ten years with Juve was a great love story and I will forever be a fan of Juventus.

Throw in the towel right off the bat. Women argue in ways that aren't rational to men.

I used to have a great love for Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, the big boys of the last century.

A great tribute, is expressing the great love for a Grandmother we share with our children.

I want to be remembered for having a great love for my fellow man. Because, you know, I do.

How great love is, presence best trial makes, But absence tries how long this love will be.

Great loves, to the last, have pulses red; All great loves that have ever died dropped dead.

I never knew anybody who didn't want to have a great love in their lives and to make a family.

I never understood why people want to do big things... Just do little things, with great Love.

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