I love the music business very much.

He took my music, but he gave me my name.

I was a late bloomer in the music business.

Music is spiritual. The music business is not.

The music business doesn't interest me anymore.

My future definitely lies in the music business.

I want to hear the word 'cherish' about 5 times.

The music business and I were made for each other.

It's magazines like HITS that have to label things.

I've always treated the music business as a business.

When I was 17 years old, I was in the music business.

When I was 17-years-old, I was in the music business.

Music and the music business are two different things.

I know how hard it is to make it in the music business.

You shouldn't be in the music business if you're posing.

I'm a survivor in a business that constantly rejects you.

I'm in the music business for one purpose - to make money.

We're not going to change the world or the music business.

I may quit the music business someday, but never the music.

I hope that I am out of the music business when I meet God.

I think Sean Parker damaged the music business with Napster.

My family wasn't in the music business, but they loved music.

Swimming upstream in the music business is a hard thing to do.

Just because it happened to you, doesn't mean it's interesting.

The music business used to be filled with people who love music.

My entry level has always been pretty high in the music business.

I never had the feeling I ever had to make a dime doing anything.

I have never had a great love of the music business, I never have.

We came from a small village and there is no music business there.

The desire to hit a big home run is dominating the music business.

When I went to City of Bath College, I studied the music business.

A woman's two cents worth is worth two cents in the music business.

The truth is that the music business is mean and honest and brutal.

I write other people songs. Recirculate it. It's the music business.

I love the music business, but I have no ambition to keep on playing.

The music business can be very cold. And it doesn't honor its elders.

I wish there had been a music business 101 course I could have taken.

The music business, a lot of times, has a big finesse mentality to it.

I never had my mind set on being an entertainer in the music business.

I happened to come along in the music business when there was no trend.

Being in the music business is a totally different industry right there.

The music business is not a good place for people who don't know things.

The bricks and mortar of the music business, they don't exist any longer.

The best decision I ever made, period, was to get into the music business.

The music business is really a spiritual business whether we know it or not.

I owe Elvis my career, and the entire music business owes him it's lifeline.

You see there's music and there's the music business - and they're different.

If this company is about anything, it's about discipline and staying focused.

It's a small percentile of people who see one dime out of the music business.

The Philadelphia/New York world of the music business is a tough place to be.

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