You have to work hard at things.

The things which hurt, instruct.

I just have to keep working hard.

Hard work is the key for success.

Hard work always wins in the end.

Work hard. There is no short cut.

All growth depends upon activity.

Work hard and never make excuses.

Work hard. Think big. Listen well.

Work hard. Do good. Be incredible!

If you work hard, it will pay off.

I work hard. But I play hard, too.

I like it when hard work pays off.

He who eats my bread, does my will.

Strong reasons make strong actions.

Hard work can't be ignored forever.

Hard work has paid off a whole lot.

Success is the result of hard work.

Modern man is a hard-working human.

I work hard because I love my work.

It doesn't take talent to work hard.

It's about hard work and not gender.

I never, ever objected to hard work.

There is no subsitute for hard work.

Work, work, work, is the main thing.

Work hard for what you want in life.

Sometimes hard work doesn't pay off.

It's really hard work being a model.

Those who work much do not work hard.

Act as if it were impossible to fail.

There is no substitute for hard work.

Work hard. Someone's always watching.

Work hard, have fun and make history.

Work hard, be yourself, and have fun!

It is awfully hard work doing nothing.

Like basketball, fashion is hard work.

Every step of my career was hard work.

When you work hard, good things happen

Hard work is greater than lazy talent.

Soccer is easy if you work hard at it.

I find I'm luckier when I work harder.

Dream, believe, work hard and succeed.

Work hard, think fast and you'll last.

My modelling career is about hard work.

It's extremely hard work keeping fresh.

There is no happiness without hard work

Opportunity looks a lot like hard work.

Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.

All good work requires self-revelation.

Ben McAdoo has a "work hard" mentality.

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