I love being a heel.

The heel runs the match.

For me, I prefer to be the heel.

I love a cute work-to-play heel.

The white pump is the new nude heel.

A willing heart adds feather to the heel.

For me there ain't no high heel high enough.

All interesting heroes have an Achilles' heel.

It hard to be real heel, like Iron Sheik-class.

Mr. McMahon the character is a very effective heel.

I haven't found a heel that's been too high for me yet.

Anybody who has political ambition has an Achilles heel.

My comfort zone and where I feel most natural is being a heel.

I love a good statement pant with a great heel and fitted top.

I'm 6'2 - but 6'3 with a little heel on, like the cowboy boots.

I'm all about a flat shoe. It takes a lot to get me into a heel!

Said will be a little ahead, but done should follow at his heel.

A high heel elongates the leg and inevitably flatters every figure.

Turning heel was so much fun for me. I was so over being a babyface.

Most liberals think of civil liberties as their Achilles heel. It isn't.

I am the greatest heel, which means the bad guy in the wrestling history.

If you are the heel, and if you are doing your job right, you are most hated.

Lio Rush, this little guy is a perfect heel manager, updated for modern times.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

Nobody's perfect, and everybody plays the heel and the baby face at times in real life.

If you're selling t-shirts as a heel - you're selling them - then you've failed miserably.

My poor, problematic feet don't let me wear anything much over a three- or four-inch heel.

I would love to have a gadget that can be worn in high heel shoes, so that it doesn't hurt!

I developed a heel persona and everything about Maryse was presentation, facials, gestures.

I have a backbone; that doesn't make me a heel. That makes me the biggest babyface there is.

Whether it's something with a chunkier heel or a moto style, you need a great pair of boots.

The Achilles Heel of the Americas was the lack of cultural confidence typical of new settlers.

I'm all about the high heel; I think it's the sexiest accessory ever made, including lingerie.

O, how glorious would it be to set my heel upon the Pole and turn myself 360 degrees in a second!

I'm in love with what a high heel does to a leg: how it makes a woman or a man feel. It's empowering.

I'm not sure if it's cause I'm getting old, but my heels have to be 3.5 inch or less, or a chunky heel.

Brother, if I'm going to be a heel, I'm going to turn who I am, what I am, and what I'm gonna do. I love it.

There is a heel that is too high to walk in, certainly. But who cares? You don't have to walk in high heels.

It's very humbling to know that the industry has cast me as the greatest heel in the history of the business.

Most of my time as a legislator, I served in the minority. So I'm used to getting the heel of a loaf of bread.

I think, Randy Orton, he has obviously been around a long time, but I think Randy Orton can be a terrific heel.

I'm a heel man. There's no doubt about that. I've always done heels for my shows, ever since the first in 2008.

My wardrobe staple is simple shirt dresses. They never date, and you can put them with a heel or a flat sandal.

The heel is engineering in itself. This little thing that supports the human weight has to have a precise balance.

When you're initially a heel, it's easier to be a heel. I'd rather people hate me than try to get them to love me.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is the Achilles heel of the Web. The important thing is that it's managed responsibly.

I do enjoy wearing a little heel when I'm at work, but when I'm running around with my son, it's a different story!

I don't think people realize how good Fit Finlay was. He was the best heel and probably the best worker I'd ever seen.

For nighttime or for an event, I'm all about the nice heel. Something that's still walkable but definitely very elegant.

I shattered the heel in my good leg, and it was an extremely bad injury. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to snowboard again.

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