Spare the person but lash the vice.

Humiliation scars deeper than the lash.

I always make sure my lashes look cute.

And lash the vice and follies of the age.

The pictures I make come from every blink of my lashes.

A good set of lashes can fix anything... even a mugshot.

When it comes to beauty, I'm all about lashes right now.

Mascara and getting those lashes curled is very important.

My lashes are so long that if I don't curl them, I'm blind.

I love a full face of contour, lashes, lip liner - everything!

I always wear fake lashes - they just look so darn good on camera!

Don't save bold lashes and red lips for nighttime - do it in the day!

Flirt!'s mascara is insane - I don't need false lashes when I wear it.

My basics for a daytime look are simple: powder, gloss, brows and lashes.

Attack your lashes with the wand. I think there's nothing wrong with doing that.

Everyone knows I'm a lash girl by now. When I don't have my lashes, I feel naked.

There's no point in getting into politics at all unless you plan to lash things around.

I have to have my lashes. For me, it all sets the tone: I'm getting ready to go to work.

I like to do a bronze smoky eye with some lashes and a nude lip. That's my favorite look.

Everything we design and make is an improvisation, a lash-up, something inept and provisional.

RevitaLash. Beyond obsessed. We don't use fake lashes anymore for me at work... they are SO long!

Curl the lashes, concealer under the eyes, blush, ChapStick, and highlight in the inner corner of the eye.

Dad was an amazing storyteller and illustrator, which he did in his spare time - very inspiring and dramatic.

It's always great to have a great mascara that makes your lashes look thick and full. That's a definite must have.

I'm motivated every second by my work; it doesn't switch off. The pictures I make come from every blink of my lashes.

I get my eyelashes done. I get my top lashes done, and then I use waterproof mascara for my bottom lashes. It's an easy regimen.

I don't really wear eyeshadow. I'm pretty much always about my lashes and my lips, and then I let the rest of it do its own thing.

I think I've gotten really good at putting on lashes. I can do it with my hand while people need tweezers or something to put them on.

For my eyes, I wear a very thin line of black eyeliner just to lengthen the eye, and I almost never wear mascara; I like natural lashes.

The one product I can't live without is my mascara. I'm addicted to long eyelashes and think girls just look so pretty with long lashes!

Thine eyes are springs in whose serene And silent waters heaven is seen. Their lashes are the herbs that look On their young figures in the brook.

I like Urban Decay lip products, but I don't wear much make-up on a day-to-day basis. I just apply a little mascara on my lashes and some bronzer.

How do you conduct an intimate relationship where no one ever loses it? Where no one ever lashes out, where no one ever smacks anyone in the mouth?

When a child, my dreams rode on your wishes, I was your son, high on your horse, My mind a top whipped by the lashes Of your rhetoric, windy of course.

I get extensions, but when they start to get spotty, I go buy wispy lashes and cut them up. I put them where the gaps are when I don't have time to get a fill.

On stage, you can get away with more, so I definitely use that to my advantage and go bolder with fashion, hair, and makeup. I love a smoky eye and long lashes.

What I find is that you don't need to go for fancy mascara - I always get the L'Oreal ones from the drugstore. I get the gold tube, Voluminous Million Lashes in black.

Basically, we are all chimps. The human side is at the front of our forehead, but the chimp is the part that lashes out. When I play, I am completely chimp-orientated.

The Fox News makeup treatment is unlike any other in journalism. It involves false lashes, layers and layers of foundation, and heavy applications of come-hither lip gloss.

I don't have great lashes. They are kind of stumpy and they won't do what I want them to. I don't want to wear falsies everyday, and I don't want to get eyelash extensions.

The night before, I'll lay out the makeup I want to put on: a brow filler, a lipstick - there's a NYX red one that looks great with those Team USA uniforms - and my lashes.

Mascara is my daily essential. I pile it on top and bottom lashes during the day. If I'm going out, I'll add the individual Eylure lashes at the outer corners for more drama.

I usually wear only a bit of pink lippy, but for TV, they add a few extra lashes to brighten my eyes and some colour to my face, as without it, I look pale and uninteresting.

Every year, August lashes out in volcanic fury, rising with the din of morning traffic, its great metallic wings smashing against the ground, heating the air with ever-increasing intensity.

you can have one of mine," he says. "i'll yank one out right now." no, that won't count. It has to be the lash that naturally falls out. " He gets on his knees and starts looking for my lash.

In Dubai, people respect you if you wear lashes to the grocery store. I've been at the gym at 5 in the morning and seen full glam, which, I think working out with your full makeup is just crazy.

Perfect isn't normal, nor is it interesting. I have no features without makeup. I am pale. I have blond lashes. You could just paint my face - it's like a blank canvas. It can be great for what I do.

I always use some fake lashes for any kind of dressed-up face, whether it's a few individual lashes, or a dramatic strip. I find that fake lashes really bump the beauty up a notch and make me feel great.

My eyes are so big that, weirdly, I feel like an alien if my eyelashes don't match their intensity. I like to curl my lashes to the point where they're sticking straight up and then put on a ton of mascara!

But I always curl my lashes, even if I don't put on mascara. I'll also put on a lip gloss or lip balm. And I always brush my eyebrows. I have very thick eyebrows - I'm just now starting to thin them out a bit.

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