I started changing my swing in late 1999.

I became a dancer late and an actor late.

I learn things late-and only the hard way.

Mozart died too late rather than too soon.

Sexually? Your late 40s and 50s? The bomb!

It's only too late if you don't start now.

I have come too late into a world too old.

There are only two times. Now and too late.

Too early seen unknown, and known too late!

I was a late bloomer in the music business.

One thing I can't stand is late kidnappers.

Every one soon or late comes round by Rome.

He gets through too late who goes too fast.

Too late Bella. Now, it's too late. Show me.

It is never too late to do anything in life.

It's not too late to stop the Lisbon Treaty.

It's never too late to get good at something.

There is no such thing as 'too late' in life.

The idea is to die young as late as possible.

I stay out too late, got nothing in my brain.

Pleas'd me, long choosing and beginning late.

Many a blessing has been recognized too late.

Not now.It's too late.It was always too late.

There's no reason, ever, to be late. Or early.

God is never in a hurry, but God is never late

I came to New York late; I was already past 30

Fortune comes well to all that comes not late.

I missed the boat when I was doing Late Night.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

It is never too late to give up our prejudices.

I wish I'd known early what I had to learn late.

I've been showing up late and dirty all my life.

I was a late bloomer. I wasn't a child performer.

When opportunity comes it is too late to prepare.

I'm a baritone. Baritones don't mature until late.

Late '90s, early 2000s, Rob was in a definite fog.

Everything comes too late for those who only wait.

I know I'm late, but I've finally joined Facebook!

Yeah, the next Wu album should be out by late '95.

It's too late and it's too bad, don't think of me.

When your armour is on, it is too late to retreat.

It's never too late for those whose time has come.

People say that I'm always late, but that's a myth

When the critics come around it's always too late.

People say that I'm always late, but that's a myth.

A fool too late bewares when all the peril is past.

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.

I'm a late bloomer, so I'm going to embrace it all.

I was such a late bloomer when it comes to fashion.

Better three hours too soon, than one hour to late.

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