Don't feel sorry for me. I've had a great life, great friends.

I was raised by a mother who told me I was great every day of my life.

Katie McGrath got me hooked on the 'Great British Bake Off.' It's ruining my life.

David Jacobs is a great influence on my life, has taught me so much about so many things.

I have no projects on the horizon. I don't feel frustrated. It's a great life lesson for me.

I get e-mails from mothers asking me to call their daughters for a date. I have a great life.

It's a fascinating area for me, UFOs have occupied a great part of my life since I was very young.

I've had a lot of great stuff - spectacular stuff - happen to me. I've got to not be a pig about life.

Growing up, I had a ton of friends, and I had a great life, but people still made fun of me sometimes.

For me that's one of the great indulgences in life - a hand-tailored suit, and a great pair of handmade shoes.

It was like pulling teeth trying to get me to L.A. I hated it for so long, but now I've got this great life here.

To me, the stand up part in my life is great. I know I can do that. When I get an acting chance, I'm really thrilled.

I don't have a pattern in my life. That makes me a great boyfriend because it's exciting. But I may not make a great husband.

If only my folks had beaten me, I could have gotten some material about my miserable childhood. But as it is, I've had a great life.

I don't care what they say about me when I'm through with sports. I don't want to be known as anything else in life but a great father.

I have the pleasure of being surrounded by desserts and chocolate. If that makes me a sex symbol then great, but it's not my aim in life.

Shakira has a very great career, knows a lot, and has taught me a lot. She came into my life to transform it, and that makes me very happy.

Reading takes me to a different place than my everyday life. I usually get fully involved in what I'm reading about, so it's a great escape.

I've got a life that really matters to me, and that's because of the way I was raised. My ethics are high because my parents did a great job.

The songs are just an attempt to document what's been happening in my life. If people can relate to what's going on with me, then that's great.

My brother thundered me in everything most of my life. He was a great carrot out in front of me. All I wanted to do, ever, was beat him at anything.

I've gotten lots of great advice from lots of people that I admire, but the person who influenced me more than anyone in my life was my grandmother.

For me, the only thing I had to look forward to was the ring because my personal life wasn't doing that great, so my fake life was what I was holding onto.

I started reading about people of great accomplishment... and it dawned on me suddenly that the person who has the most to do with what happens in your life is you.

Me and Akshay share a great timing and bond in real life and that comes alive on screen. Our scenes in 'Singh Is Bliing' are something which audience will enjoy a lot.

I understand it's great to read a great book, but it's better to live your life. It just helps me. It's uncomfortable at times, but you have to live outside the circle.

I enjoy domestic life. Cooking gives me great pleasure, especially if I can chop vegetables slowly and think about what I'm doing and dream a little about this and that.

I feel very blessed to have a partner in life who supports me, who is enthusiastic about what I want to do, who has been a great father, and who will be a fabulous grandfather.

It was a very cool thing to be a smart girl, as opposed to some other, different kind. And I think that made a great deal of difference to me growing up and in my life afterward.

The National Lottery is brilliant because when I'm on my way people tweet me and say: 'Fingers crossed,' 'make my numbers come up!' Which I obviously can't do but, what a great life!

The road is a fun place, and it's a great place to get out there and explore the country. But as far as the road life with the 'rock n' roll temptations,' there's not much of that with me.

I really feel that my life story is a continuation of the Great American Dream - the immigrant who comes to this country and is allowed to excel. How many other countries would let me do that?

Luckily, I don't think that I'm too famous. I can still live my life pretty comfortably. Fame has never really ever appealed to me. I think it's easy to see that it's not a great thing to have.

Something my mum taught me years and years and years ago, is life's just too short to carry around a great bucket-load of anger and resentment and bitterness and hatreds and all that sort of stuff.

Motherhood was the great equaliser for me; I started to identify with everybody... as a mother, you have that impulse to wish that no child should ever be hurt, or abused, or go hungry, or not have opportunities in life.

I think Tumblr tends to be - you can get more in-depth with things and more blogging, and Tumblr has been real great for me in terms of research because I have contacts with people from all walks of life all over the globe.

I was a 'Laurel and Hardy' nut. I got to know Laurel at the end of his life, and it was a great thrill for me. He left me his bow tie and derby and told me that if they ever made a movie about him, he'd want me to play him.

In public, when my kids have not been behaving great - because that's life, my kids are not perfect, okay - I've noticed other people watching me. And I felt judged, because I'm obviously in the public eye. So that's been hard.

You made it something special. Most of all, I want to thank the fans for your support not through the great times that we shared on the football field, but for the last 17 years of my life. You have supported me through all times.

People look at me and go, 'You must have it made. You have girls. You have a great life.' It's not true. I mean you pull the curtain away, and you see I'm just as insecure and neurotic and scared and vulnerable as anybody, you know.

Some of the things I've had to overcome in my past, fighting helped me deal with a lot of struggles. Obstacles in life don't make you a great fighter, but fighting - or, I should say, martial arts - helps you overcome your obstacles.

I'm one of those people you can tell 'no' a million different ways, and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to figure out some way to get you to say 'yes.' People have always underestimated me. I have great stamina, great tenacity.

When I was 11 I was scouted by the Thames Valley under-21s. It was really daunting. I was scared for my life when I went in to bat. The first ball hit me on the leg, the second ball got me out, so it wasn't great but it made me stronger.

Justin Timberlake is the single most talented human being I've ever met in my life, and it sickens me. He is, like, 12 years old or something! He has 0 percent body fat, he is musically gifted, he has a great ear for accents, and he is hilarious.

I feel so fortunate to have great coaching. Coaches that have taught me great habits and taught me great things about basketball and life, but I've always played for coaches who have held me accountable and that's made me a better player and person.

Even though my songs may sound very personal, to me most of them are fiction. It is a great way for me to be able to live a fantasy life as a writer because I get to be someone else, someplace else for three and a half minutes, just like the listener.

The older I get, I'm definitely getting pulled towards the West Coast, because it's a different quality of life. New York is great when you're in your early 20s and you're running around and it's really fun, but it's a place for me to get things done.

Personally I'm hoping to spend the last years of my life plugged into a real life MMORPG simulation that makes me think and feel like I'm 18 again while my 90 year old body lies in a tube somewhere getting fed thru an IV. Be a great way to finish up a life.

I was a litigation lawyer. That's all very logical. Become a litigation lawyer. Become successful. Have a nice office. But there was some pull inside of me saying, self-publish this book. I followed that intuition and it's been a great choice for me in my life.

Even though I don't write about things that come from my life because I'm lucky, and I live in a great place with great kids and, you know, a great husband, I think you can find threads of me in the characters, so that's really what being a writer is, probably.

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