I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity ...

I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear.

Sometimes life happens.

Life happens at intersections.

Life happens not to me but for me

Create the space and a bigger life happens

Everything in my life happens really fast.

Life happens whilst you're planning other things.

Life happens, and I write about it wherever I am.

The happiest moment of my life happens once a day.

Definition of a victim: a person to whom life happens.

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason.

Life happens. Love happens. You gotta take some chances.

You know, as any parent will say, you know, life happens.

Practice presence -- embrace the place where life happens.

All of the very important events in my life happen by chance.

Everything happens in the kitchen. Life happens in the kitchen.

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

Real life happens. Sometimes it's messy. Sometimes it doesn't work.

Another turn in my life happened when I took on the Canada Council.

Life happens, honey. What are you going to do? Cry in a bowl of milk?

I've learned over and over that life happens on its own terms, not mine.

Instead of just letting life happen, I'm going to make it happen for me.

Everything in life happens for a reason and it's important to embrace it.

In my experience, you get a job for a reason. Your work life happens for a reason.

Every good thing that has happened in your life happened because something changed.

Life happens. There is no point in being upset or down about things we can't control or change.

I think everything in life happens for a reason. I always think there's room for me to improve as a person.

When the most important things in our life happen we quite often do not know, at the moment, what is going on.

I don't feel like my life happens to me. I feel like I happen to my life. I feel that I'm in the driver's seat.

But when nothing in your life happens in a positive frame, it is difficult to think positively and hope for the best.

Life happened. In all its banality, brutality, cruelty, unfairness. But also in its beauty, pleasures and delights. Life happened.

I try not to become friends with musicians, but life happens and dinner happens and going out happens - it becomes interwoven in L.A.

You want to be a citizen of the world, and then life happens, and you forget to be a citizen of the world; you're a citizen of your own existence.

There's a gigantic gray area between good moral behavior and outright felonious activities. I call that the Weasel Zone and it's where most of life happens.

When I'm really stressed emotionally, I say to myself that there's only so much I can do to change things. Life happens on life's terms. Then, I go for a run.

Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said yes to something. Otherwise things just sort of stay the same.

Parents are destined to sin against their kids; it's inevitable. As is narcissism and the human condition. Everyone has their ego and their ambitions. Life happens in between.

This is love, to sit with someone you've known forever in a place you've been meaning to go, and watching as their life happens to them until you stand up and it's time to go.

Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.

For the writers I have worked with and for me, the relationship between the personal comedy of daily life and the economic context in which that life happens has always been very significant.

Life happens to all of us. It's not what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us that really decides if we're going to be victims or if we're going to get and have everything we've ever dreamed of.

Honestly, I feel like everything in life happens for a reason, and my son has been the greatest gift that God has given me in my life and been the most game-changing thing that's happened to my life, in a necessary way.

People get DUIs, people get in fights with their boyfriends, it happens, life happens, but it's about being accountable for your actions. I don't know. I'm just not that girl, I don't go to clubs. I'm a pretty normal girl.

Life happens fast. You have to have a Plan B, a backup plan and really figure out a way to have different avenues of income and just avenues of happiness. That is what is really important, being at peace and having that happiness.

I'll be walking down the street with a mate, and someone will stop and say 'All right Crouchy, how's things?' and so on. Once they're gone, the person I'm with will say 'Do you know them?' and I'll say 'I've never met them before in my life'. Happens all the time.

A true architect is not an artist but an optimistic realist. They take a diverse number of stakeholders, extract needs, concerns, and dreams, then create a beautiful yet tangible solution that is loved by the users and the community at large. We create vessels in which life happens.

I used to have all these plans and think 'Ah, I have my whole life figured out', but then I realized no matter how much I plan: life happens! So I find myself living day to day trying to do my best, embracing every moment as a learning opportunity and chance to get to know myself a little more.

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