We made it nearly 20 centuries, a bunch of monkeys with PH Ds.

We made it nearly 20 centuries, a bunch of monkeys with PH Ds.

Let your monkey do it.

I love the Arctic Monkeys!

Monkeys can't talk, stupid!

Even monkeys fall from trees.

Iran launches monkey into space

Stop the nurse like the monkey.

Even monkeys fall out of trees.

People love that monkey torture.

A monkey could drive this train.

Well, there's no monkey on my back.

I've never said flange to a monkey!

If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Welcome back, my cheeky wee monkeys.

I got a pet monkey called Charlie Chan.

An old monkey never makes a pretty face.

No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito.

Bonobos are not monkeys! Bonobos are apes.

I wish Monkeys could Skype. Maybe one day.

Humans in space suits make monkeys nervous.

We are all just monkeys with money and guns.

You monkeys only think you're running things.

Silence is of the gods; only monkeys chatter.

I really like the Gorillaz and Arctic Monkeys.

Have you ever seen a monkey examining a watch?

She's like a wind-up monkey that winds itself.

I haven't seen a half-monkey, half person yet.

If you pay peanuts, you wind up hiring monkeys.

Don't throw a monkey-wrench into the machinery.

I’m just kinda tired. Like a monkey in the rain.

If evolution works, why are monkeys still around?

You can beat on your chest, hell, any monkey can.

Year by year, the monkey's mask reveals the monkey

I want you to recognize that I'm a proud monkey...

I wouldn't give my troubles to a monkey on a rock.

We are consciousness. We may not always be monkeys.

Don't sell your soul to buy peanuts for the monkeys.

I looked like a monkey trying to wrestle a football.

In the beginning, a monkey evolutioned gay marriage.

Working with any actor is like working with a monkey.

It's kind of good to get that evil monkey off my back!

Of course there is a monkey. There is always a monkey.

The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his ass.

Artistic genius is an expansion of monkey imitativeness.

It wasn't a monkey on my back, it was Planet of the Apes.

The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.

Slavery is an institution for converting men into monkeys.

The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of its behind.

I learned the way a monkey learns - by watching its parents.

Cats and monkeys; monkeys and cats; all human life is there.

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