Certain rhythms just have certain moods.

Work is my salvation. It changes my moods.

Music, I feel like, affects people's moods.

I can switch between different moods easily.

I have my own demons and dark moods. It's weird.

I am a believer that color affects people's moods.

My mind moves very fast. I go through a lot of moods and emotions.

Sound changes moods, yet most of the sound around us is unplanned.

My style is dependent on my moods, so I feel like it's all over the place.

Fueling our bodies properly can lift our moods immensely on any winter day!

When I'm making a record, I'm trying to take people through different moods.

I have many moods, and there is no objective reality. And I kind of live by that.

I love the French for their sarcasm, their irony. I love them for their bad moods.

Music controls moods and accents life's moments. It's necessary for every situation.

My practice schedule is not constant and changes a lot and depends on my moods also.

I formulate my style based on a range of influences from books to films and my moods.

I need to eat a lot; otherwise, I feel faint. I get in the worst moods if I don't eat.

My moods are like a roller coaster. It's hard for me to just feel one way all the time.

Songs of different moods are like keys, which help me enter the world of my book's characters.

I'm good at fitting in, and I think I'm fairly perceptive about moods and psychic environments.

You never know which Elle you're going to see day to day, because I wake up in different moods.

I prepare for a shoot by saturating my brain with images that have different moods or expressions.

Design can have such a positive impact on the way people live and on their relationships and moods.

Moods are complicated and very much a part of who we are. People would be very boring without them.

All I wanted was to connect my moods with those of Paris. Beauty paints and when it painted most, I shot.

Love songs too have many moods. It can be sad or be joyous and upbeat when one feels jubilant and in love.

The power I would like is to be able to turn off negative emotions and bad moods with the flick of a switch.

It's always a mixture of fiction and your own story. It's more I recreate atmospheres and moods through songs.

I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.

We're all affected by music. It has the power to inspire, uplift us, change our moods, and even alter consciousness.

Only the disciplined ones in life are free. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods and your passions.

I usually have two or three books on the go at the same time. If I'm in different moods, I want to read different things.

Players' moods change on a daily basis, so it depends how you find your players, and up to you to get the best out of them.

I am president and do not have the right to give in to emotions. I have bad moods, very bad moods, but I never feel despair.

Truth is one forever absolute, but opinion is truth filtered through the moods, the blood, the disposition of the spectator.

'Lucky Day' is what I would call the Shaggy roller-coaster ride. It takes you to different moods. I listen to music in moods.

With the creative stuff, I have highs of being very productive and lows of being not productive. I have that in my moods as well.

A poem records emotions and moods that lie beyond normal language, that can only be patched together and hinted at metaphorically.

Harry S. Truman had his moods. His birthplace is the only tourist attraction in America where you don't see Japanese with cameras.

Our built-in human system for mimicry explains why we humans can transfer our good and bad moods to each other - if we aren't careful!

A lot of magic is designed to appeal to people visually, but what I'm trying to affect is their minds, their moods, their perceptions.

I think we all have different moods - a nerd one day and cool the next. I think everyone has an inner geek, and I know I definitely do.

Have a good sense of perspective and be able to snap yourself out of bad moods, as we often wind ourselves up about the silliest things.

For while the subjects of poetry are few and recurrent, the moods of man are infinitely various and unstable. It is the same in all arts.

Music conveys moods and images. Even in opera, where plots deal with the structure of destiny, it's music, not words, that provides power.

Hindi films do not respect fine actors, it is all about super stars and stardom. Film-making is reduced to revolving around a star's moods.

The stock market has an insidious effect on C.E.O.s' moods, because of its impact not just on their companies but on their own bank accounts.

Sometimes I'll read something on Twitter, and I'll just be in the darkest of moods for the rest of the day or the rest of the week sometimes.

I think a setting is hugely important. I look at setting as a character with its own look, sound, history, quirks, goofy temperaments and moods.

That's one of the peculiar things about bad moods - we often fool ourselves and create misery by telling ourselves things that simply are not true.

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