Victory needs conflict as its preface.

Sometimes you need lies to stay alive.

Give what you can, take what you need.

You need to know life is on your side.

I think you need to know your clients.

A man needs a purpose for real health.

The best way to win is to not need to.

We need to find means for cooperation.

The world needs people who save lives.

Throw a little shade when you need to.

No need for words, it's all been said.

I think that liberals need to grow up.

I didn't need taming. I needed saving.

Pain is pain. It needs no description.

What we need is a generation of peace.

Why do all Republicans need Lego hair?

We need to strengthen Asian diplomacy.

Nobody needs a mink coat but the mink.

A happy love needs to be reciprocated.

This world has need of song and sword.

I assume I don't need an introduction.

I need the protection of seeming weak.

Guys need to know when to take charge.

So acoustic, I don't even need a pick.

The dead have need of fairy tales too.

More than machinery, we need humanity.

Everybody needs a hero. Jesus is mine.

To succeed,all I need to do is suffer.

Your body will tell you what it needs.

A man needs less, no more.

To change the world you'll need a pen.

Every story needs to be worth telling.

Rest when you need to, but never quit.

You attract what you need like a lover

I don't need faith. I have experience.

A stubborn ass needs a stubborn driver

Donald Trump needs mental-health help.

I feel the need... the need for speed.

We also need a fund that can say 'no'.

A star needs all the rest she can get.

Men marry what they need. I marry you.

Paparazzi need more flattering lenses.

Life brings you exactly what you need.

Even a family needs to work as a team.

Briefs need limitations and invitations

When Im competing, I need to be strong.

But monument themselves memorials need.

Ocean is my potion, I need vitamin sea.

Some people need sequins, others don't.

All you need to do is know who you are.

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