I read the newspaper.

Misery sells newspapers.

Do not read the newspapers.

I don't read all the newspapers.

My newspaper job … is my identity.

Newspapers are the world's mirrors.

I never worked on the school newspaper.

Everything I do lands in the newspapers.

Washington newspaper men know everything.

A newspaper is the lowest thing there is.

Newspapers are the second hand of history.

The newspapers are the cemeteries of ideas.

Newspapers are tutors as well as informers.

Impressionism is the newspaper of the soul.

In fact, I don't read newspapers any longer.

Owning a newspaper does not confer immunity.

I run a couple of newspapers. What do you do?

Histories are a kind of distilled newspapers.

I flinch when I see my name in the newspapers.

I would rather exercise than read a newspaper.

Newspapers are the engines that drive the Web.

It's arguably the best newspaper in the world.

Newspaper readership is still growing in India.

Newspapers are horror happening to other people.

Dad, as a good American, believed his newspapers.

If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.

I don't read the art mags. I read the newspapers.

Newspapers will ultimately engross all literature.

I have opened newspapers and read incredible lies.

I can take a newspaper and make it a lethal weapon.

A newspaper is always a weapon in somebody's hands.

I can't comment on every article in the newspapers.

When I was a small kid, I grew up in the newspapers.

I did not read newspapers until I became a reporter.

Oh, my parents never cracked a book, just newspapers.

Well I just always wanted to be a newspaper reporter.

The best fiction is far more true than any journalism.

Newspapers are the schoolmasters of the common people.

The window to the world can be covered by a newspaper.

The newspaper is a lecture. The Web is a conversation.

I wish I had as much in bed as I get in the newspapers.

And we also read Newsweek, Time and several newspapers.

The worst part of my life is newspapers are still alive.

What appears in newspapers is often new but seldom true.

I'm naturally curious, and I read four newspapers a day.

The media. It sounds like a convention of spiritualists.

I think newspapers will survive in some form or another.

That endless book, the newspaper, is our national glory.

We live under a government of men and morning newspapers.

My feelings towards the newspapers are very affectionate.

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