Rock music is niche.

We live in a niche world.

No niche is too small if it's yours.

Figure out your niche and maximize it.

My books didn't fit a marketing niche.

In my opinion, NXT has a niche audience.

The term 'niche' is no longer pejorative.

I think there is a niche for every market.

I don't want to make niche-oriented music.

Renewable energy is no longer a niche fuel.

I definitely think that comedy is my niche.

We are all experts in our own little niches.

Ultimately, taste is so niche and so personal.

Even with a big budget, you can make a niche film.

A small company like Nichia should do niche products.

Everyone has a niche of dunks that they are experts at.

As a designer, I'm not a guy that can be put in a niche.

Yeah, it's a weird little niche, but by God, it's my niche.

I joke that my niche in Hollywood has been naked foreigners.

Look, all you can do when you find your niche is go with it.

I'm creating my niche. My niche is going to be "shirtless guy."

We've found that the more niche you are, the better off you are.

I've always had a niche for entertaining since I was a little girl.

I sort of got lucky in that I was able to carve a niche for myself.

I'm always aware of who my core audiences are and I serve that niche.

I have to say, as a showrunner, being niche-y is kind of a great thing.

I feel like the falsetto is my niche and my sound and something different.

I was part of the Bollywood film 'Strikers,' which I would call a niche film.

OLD: Be No.1 or No.2 in Your Market. NEW: Find a Niche, Create Something New.

There's a great niche in the market for what I do, which is effortless style.

Competitive bodybuilding is a niche sport, but bodybuilding is for everybody.

I think when you come from a house full of artists, everyone's got their niche.

I am not a soap star. I want to create a niche for myself through other mediums.

We're creating a little niche for ourselves instead of working the whole canvas.

That boy-next-door, love interest crush has been my niche since 'Austin & Ally.'

If you're trying to get into the sports business, you really have to find a niche.

I chose taking the hard road and creating my own niche and getting my own fan base.

When you find your niche, you just gotta continue to be confident and thrive in it.

Cable is a niche business. If you can own a niche, that can be a very strong business.

Peter Jackson is a wonderful man. He's a great director. He's found his niche in life.

My niche will be to support the environment through the growth of organic agriculture.

I tried to find a social niche at Harvard - a group, my group - but I was unsuccessful.

I knew I had a lot to offer, and it was just about finding my niche and figuring it out.

Being behind a camera, in front of the camera, is my own little deconstructionist niche.

Horror does better when it's bubbling under. It's a niche. It doesn't like the limelight.

Sometimes your limitations become your strengths. It forces you to create your own niche.

Being a female head of a successful tech company means that I'm in a pretty niche category.

Everyone has a little niche in rap, and I just wanted to carve a piece out of it for myself.

The hardest part of gaining any new idea is sweeping out the false idea occupying that niche.

Non-studio entities can experiment with storytelling that might be too niche... for a studio.

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