Don't save bold lashes and red lips for nighttime - do it in the day!

In nighttime series, the actor gets billing up front on every episode.

'The Flintstones' was the first animated series to appear on nighttime TV.

The window shades have all been removed. Nighttime is now free to encroach.

As a kid, I was fearless during the day. But at nighttime, I needed to be home.

I kind of like rainy weather at nighttime. I used to take naps in rainy weather.

I prefer to stroll which has a buddy at nighttime, than by itself inside the light.

In daytime, they're doing 50-60 pages a day, whereas nighttime, you do seven or eight.

There is a difference in what people are willing to consider, daytime versus nighttime.

I can't write at night. For me, I'm programmed to believe that nighttime is for relaxation.

The only two places where I can read for long stretches are in airplanes and in bed at nighttime.

Maxi dresses are also my best friend. They take me from my morning coffee, to the beach, to nighttime.

There are some directors I hear about in nighttime or some I used to work with who walk around like gods.

Before she got here everything had stalled inside me, and every morning I was just moving toward nighttime.

Whenever I see a nighttime picture of Earth from space, with its glowing lights, I am stirred by its beauty.

I love doing the nighttime soap, the emotional, psychological, hard stuff that I got to tackle on 'Hannibal.'

On daytime they continue to revisit a lot of the same stuff while nighttime does move on and show development.

I conduct all my nighttime activities under the assumption that my wife is awake, that she never falls asleep.

For nighttime or for an event, I'm all about the nice heel. Something that's still walkable but definitely very elegant.

I think books that are meant to be read in the nighttime ought to confront the very fears that we're trying to think about.

The old idea of a composer suddenly having a terrific idea and sitting up all night to write it is nonsense. Nighttime is for sleeping.

I'm hopefully in bed and asleep by 10:30. I'm usually yawning by 7:30, 8. You go to the gym and push yourself so you're knocked out by nighttime.

Left Bank Astana was beautiful at night, each building, it seemed, with its own nighttime color scheme and the street lamps all going full blast.

I'm not saying that photographers are dumber than other people, but they are the folks who walk around with brilliant white lights in nighttime riots.

I don't remember my dreams too much. I hardly have ever gotten ideas from nighttime dreams. But I love daydreaming and dream logic and the way dreams go.

Environment is very important to me. Sometimes I have to perform during the day for festivals, and my music does not work in the daytime. It is nighttime music.

You know I've got a chum, a smashing mate, he's got a dog with no legs, and he calls it a cigarette. It's true, yeah, because at nighttime he has to take it out for a drag.

The first step to take to wake up earlier is to have a nighttime routine that not only encourages you to fall asleep but also guarantees you'll sleep soundly each and every night.

I was reading my son some fables; it made for good nighttime reading. These stories were very vivid and very strange and occasionally bizarrely violent. It was a very free landscape.

L.A., it's nice, but I think of sunshine and people on rollerblades eating sushi. New York, I think of nighttime, I think of Times Square and Broadway and nightlife and the city that never sleeps.

Daytime has been successful all these years because it caters to a very real need in the audience - to see something that's not nighttime fantasy. People watch daytime because it's like their lives.

Nighttime dressing is not very different from daytime dressing for me. I feel like night clothes don't get a chance to live the way day clothes do, so I prefer to think of night clothes as day clothes.

I'm most in my element on tour, with a gig that day, like today. I'm on the road where I am supposed to be. I will be where I'm supposed to be at nighttime, on stage, in front of people, doing my thing.

The 'Day Shift' songs are things that would unfold during the daytime. 'Night Shift' is what would unfold during the nighttime. So, that's how I put that whole thing together. I did both all on one album budget.

So, short stories have an even harder time, because they tend to get read during the day, between other things. They're interstitial. And yet the content of short stories tends to be very much "nighttime" content.

I'm doing everything in my power to be a great mother. I wish I could be with her throughout the day, because I'm always working, but I make sure that whether it's the morning or nighttime, I make it extra special.

The fact is that daytime television is less valued than nighttime, and it's partly because of the product that we produce. We do a one-hour show in 12 hours. Nighttime produces a one-hour show in seven to nine days.

Nighttime, in a nanosecond, asleep by 10:30. No chance I'll get through the day without two naps. Before noon, around 11 A.M. I catch 30 minutes. Living not far from CBS is perfect because afternoons I go home for another.

Nighttime frequently increases alertness, and each mission should consider the ramifications of a night assault. Several of the most successful special operations were conducted in daytime and achieved a high degree of surprise.

I don't know why, but even my nighttime dreams are very, very rooted in reality. They just start to become surreal, little by little. That exact moment when you're about to realize that this might be a dream is my favorite thing.

I enjoyed coming home to Crown Heights. There was a certain order to life there. You know, Shabbos, spending time with your family, eating and being in 'shul.' Prayers at nighttime, prayers in the morning. Everyone knows everybody; you walk your kids everywhere.

I like to call it nighttime brain: the way your mind seems to function on a different frequency than it does during daylight hours - which can be good or bad but also can lead to unexpected epiphanies or experiences that wouldn't be the same at any other time of day.

Bomber jackets, for me, are the new blazers. They're something I can wear with suit pants or slacks - or I can go really urban with it. I think, as men, we don't have the little black dress that women do to go from day to nighttime, but the bomber can be the LBD for men.

I write in the mornings. I get up every morning at about six in the morning and write until nine, hop in the shower and go to work. Nighttime I usually reserve for re-reading what I've done that morning. I would be lying if I said I stuck to that schedule every single day.

In my neighborhood, there are stray goats everywhere, and, someone owns it. Someone has a farm full of goats. At daytime, they just let them loose, but then at nighttime, they just come back. So, it's like, in daytime, the whole neighborhood is just filled with goats walking around.

I wanted to be a soccer player, and I became the best of the best, the number one, better than Maradona, better than Pele, and even better than Messi - but only at night, nighttime, during my dreams. When I wake up, I realized that I have wooden legs and that I'm doomed to be a writer.

We've supported the U.S. every step of the way. The Philippines was the first government in Asia after September 11, in fact, the night of September 11; it was nighttime for us then. It was daytime here. We were the first government in Asia to come out and say that we're supporting the U.S.

My nighttime look is exactly like my daytime look - like I'm going to a super fancy funeral. I guess it would be considered extreme to most people, but I like it that way. The idea of conventional beauty isn't attractive to me... that's why, when I was growing up, I felt kind of torn about makeup.

I wash my face, steam it, and put on a mask right after because the steam opens up your pores. I put the mask on for ten minutes, wash it off, and then melt an ice cube all over my face because that tightens your pores. Then if it's nighttime, I do a night cream or serum or an oil, something to keep your skin moisturized.

I do not write for this generation. I am writing for other ages. If this could read me, they would burn my books, the work of my whole life. On the other hand, the generation which interprets these writings will be an educated generation; they will understand me and say: 'Not all were asleep in the nighttime of our grandparents.'

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