No ideas but in things.

I had no idea how to eat sensibly.

Sometimes I have no idea whats going on

I have no idea how much money I've got.

My mom had no idea she was having twins.

I have no idea what 'method actor' means.

You have no idea of the women I didn't marry.

Christians have no idea how to deal with art.

I have no idea what the audience makes of me.

It is better to have no ideas than false ones.

You have no idea of the people I didn't marry.

I had no idea how long books were supposed to be.

I have no idea what I'm doin'. I've never seen me.

I'm not an aristocrat. I have no idea what that is.

Jack Kerouac was cool because he had no idea he was.

I had no idea if 'No Roots' was going to work or not.

I have no idea how to do sketches, believe it or not.

You have no idea how fragile an actor's self-worth is.

Y'all have no idea how many times I say, 'Yes, ma'am.'

I have no idea how women manage their hair. Seriously.

I have no idea what I weigh. I don't even own a scale.

I have no idea what's next. I simply don't have a clue.

I have no idea what's going on in the fashion industry.

I have no idea how to ever sell myself in a snazzy way.

I have no idea when it's going to be, when I'll retire.

Will I get along with [Vladimir Putin]? I have no idea.

You have no idea how expensive it is to look this cheap.

April 25th is DNA Day. I know, you probably had no idea.

People have no idea how physically tough doing a film is.

Really, I have no idea how I'm perceived in the industry.

I had no idea, really, on my first film what I was doing.

I had no idea what to expect when I first started writing.

When I start any book, I have no idea what I'm going to do.

No idea is isolated, but is only what it is among all ideas.

I had no idea this thing was televised. Boy, is my face red.

I had no idea about how my life would change after 'Fukrey.'

You have no idea how hard it is to live out a great romance.

As a young manager, I had no idea what it meant to be a chef.

My old mother, she has no idea what's going on in this world.

Future is my brother. He has no idea how big what he does is.

My understanding is that Olivia had no idea what was going on.

We are leaving the E.U. But we have no idea where we are going.

I have no idea what I’m doing, and that’s kind of how I love it.

I had no idea how to make it as an actor. But I knew I wanted to.

I don't have a game plan. I have no idea what I'll be doing next.

Faith is what? Faith is to love something you have no idea about.

She had had no idea what it would do to her seeing him in a suit.

It seems like once people grow up, they have no idea what's cool.

Most Europeans have no idea how wild life can be in north America.

I had no idea that things would change so rapidly, so drastically.

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