I just write from how I feel. As an outlet.

Country has been a wonderful outlet for me.

All passion becomes strength when it has an outlet.

Each one of us is an outlet to God and an inlet to God.

Singing and dancing are the greatest emotional outlets you can have.

I go to coffee shops for my outlet. Which is just not healthy at all.

My outlet is my music, and it's been this way since I was 4 years old.

I started writing just to have a creative outlet during the down time.

Every man is the inlet and may become the outlet of all there is in God.

I don't think a lot of the news outlets examine the effect of war on a family.

I"ve learned that I must find positive outlets for anger or it will destroy me.

Every idea that comes to mind I execute, or I look for outlets to put out ideas.

America's most dangerous export was, is and always will be our fast-food outlets.

You don't need mainstream media outlets, the big TV looks, or the magazine covers.

Doing acting opened up other creative outlets; it made me feel freer as an artist.

There are no important media outlets in the US that are not owned or controlled by Jews.

Music will always be a major part of my life, its my outlet, I'm in my element and I'm free.

The awareness of our environment came progressively in all countries with different outlets.

But when I got angry, my nerves sought an outlet, and my mouth didn't always guard the gates.

I'm not really good with explaining myself verbally, but I do it through music and other outlets.

I'm not a person who can scream and shout so this is my only outlet. It's all done very logically.

Goods are displayed by thousands of shopkeepers with a sense of beauty that finds no other outlet.

I think there are more films being made, but there are probably less outlets for them and distributors.

I find it very difficult to relax. I find it increasingly difficult to find outlets for my frustration.

The dream factory of that time was much simpler. As media outlets grew, everything became so complicated.

GLAAD has so much information and outlets about LGBTQ people and some of the issues we face and who we are.

Most of the competition was into bulk popcorn because of the major increases in the Drive-In Theatre Outlets.

Even when I stop performing or stop making records I won't stop being creative. Songwriting is a good outlet.

The power of digital distribution over physical retail outlets is you have a chance to create a global audience.

I knew that if I could create a quality product and find the proper retail outlets, it would be a great company.

'SNL' is probably one of the premiere outlets that a musician can perform on that isn't obviously a music outlet.

If I don't have an outlet in which to express myself...throug h songwriting or other mediums...I get a bit jittery.

The natural idealism of youth is an idealism, alas, for which we do not always provide as many outlets as we should.

I guess, I ended up finding music to pour my curiosity into. It was my creative outlet and therapy at the same time.

I like to be creative and I'm lucky that I have a couple of different outlets, and I'm lucky that I get to use them.

Most American media outlets that are controlled by Jews seem to be reflexively, or at least habitually, anti-Israel.

Instrumental music is increasingly marginalized and there's just no outlet, there's no venue for it, in terms of media.

Social media provides an avenue to build relationships with media outlets and have an ongoing relationship with reporters.

If you're really invested in feeling bad about the world, there are a lot of media outlets out there that you can turn to.

Eventually I want to subsidize my income with other creative outlets that are going to not keep me tied to the road so much.

Nobody cares about your autograph. There are cameras everywhere, and there are media outlets for them to 'file their story'.

I tend to a lot of improvisational ranting, and that's fun. For me, stand-up has been, performance-wise, a really good outlet.

I'm really happy with everything that I've been fortunate enough to do and with the creative outlets I've been blessed to have.

You'd find out more truth by just walking down the street with a musical instrument than by looking at any of the news outlets.

I'm a big fan of Mashable and TechCrunch and other outlets like that, but TechMeme obviously does an amazing job of aggregating.

The dialogue and conversation about food is everywhere - television, chat rooms, social media outlets and among everyday conversations.

I think it's important to do things that you're interested in. I think it's important to have other outlets away from the music industry.

One of the principles of White House coverage is that a wide variety of news outlets should be represented at briefings and press conferences.

Every time I tour military outlets, I dedicate the food, fitness and set-ups to their service, because it all came to me through the military.

GamerGate-promoted outlets fail at grown-up journalistic ethics, and they also fail at the cheap knockoff brand of GamerGate brand ethics, too.

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