My New Year's resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will ...

My New Year's resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will keep me healthy and happy.

It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas ...

It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world.

I am a workout freak.

Aint nuttin' but a peanut.

Intensity builds immensity

Stimulate don't Annihilate.

I never think about losing.

My workout is my meditation.

To me, sweat is workout bliss.

You got to attack every workout.

Learn it all, then forget it all.

Ain't nuttin' to it,but ta do it!

What seems new is only new to us.

For me, workout is the way of life.

It's not how long; it's how strong.

Good things come to those who hustle

I take vitamins. I workout every day.

A good workout makes me feel relaxed.

Good things come to those who initiate.

Headlines twice the size of the events.

That's a good weight...for a small woman

I try to fit in workouts whenever I can.

My workout philosophy is; no pain, no pain

I have been in danger of being drowned twice.

I enjoy yoga a lot, not even for the workout.

Biceps are like ornaments on a Christmas tree.

I love workout clothes you feel phenomenal in.

One of my all-time favorite workouts is boxing.

I cannot turn down this incredible honor twice.

Writing is a workout, just like going for a run!

Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new.

A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.

Tough times don't last, tough people do, remember?

Divisional exercise is a great game of make-believe.

The person lives twice who lives the first life well

A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.

I shake my booty all the time! It's the best workout!

Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.

If you don't make mistakes you are not really trying.

Our daily decisions create the scrapbook of our life.

Last time I checked, lifting theory has a PR of zero.

I'm a slob. I live in sweatpants and workout clothes.

Any way to make a workout feel like playtime is great.

What good is it to look like Tarzan and play like Jane?

I'm the strongest bodybuilding who ever lived, I think.

Every morning I stand on my head and do a yoga workout.

Insanity Max 30 is the hardest workout I've ever taught.

Yoga is an inner experience - a workIN within a workOUT.

Every increased possession loads us with a new weariness.

Never give up what you want most for what you want today.

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